It is being reported all over the Internet and I have have heard it from preparedness industry leaders: The Preparedness Movement is becoming a thing of the past. Much like the survivalist movement in the late 80’s the preparedness movement changing – with former followers exiting.
“Why?” you ask……
Trump. Yes- Donald Trump’s election to the Presidency has generated turmoil in the preparedness community. The unbelievable hope and positive expectations looking toward the future has many prepper’s believing that “everything will be just fine” and ceasing their preparedness efforts.
Hey – I understand their thinking. I really do. I was so certain that Hillary was going to be elected and that it would be the final blow to our Republic I was investing large sums of money in specific supplies just before the election with plans for more afterwards. With the announcement of her loss I found myself in a state of shock – and wondering what to do next. My sense of urgency had been replaced with a giant sigh of relief and hope as well.
Is this hope and relief unfounded? I don’t think so. I believe Trump is going to provide a positive change for this country. I also believe that there are forces at work against him. The Liberal Left and others who are responsible for leading this country astray will not just sit by. No – they are developing a plan to get back in power and continue on where Obama has left off.
Has my prepping changed due to Trump’s election? Absolutely!
Regarding the American Reformation/Economic Collapse/Civil War/Revolution/Fill In The Blank we have been given a reprieve. Â How much? Hard to say not knowing. I believe it is still coming so I will take advantage of the gift of time.
There are lots of other threats existing that make preparedness simply common sense. Localized and personal economic hardship, civil unrest, terrorism, pandemic, war, EMP, harsh winter storms, etc. all continue to be a possibility for almost all of us.
For me – it is the unknown that drives my preparations.
It has changed! I think it started a couple of years ago. Seem it has been slowing down a lot. I’m on some other Survival sites and the traffic seems to be down. Not a whole lot of people wanting to get together/meets. Most seem not to want to anymore. I guess until something tragic happens in the real world it’s not going to change anytime soon.
This country has no money and exponentially increasing entitlement obligations like my SS, funny but not funny. Either Clinton or Trump would inherit a sinking ship, Clinton putting us further in the hole with social welfare spending, DJT with a trillion dollar infrastructure program. Making America great again might be possible but would entail pretty bad financial pain for years for everyone but rich folks. There just ain’t no money left in the working classes and not even enough if you took it from the rich guys, which no politician will do. JMHO but…keep prepping.
I agree 110 percent, this is a time for everyone to move forward with preparing, the world hasn’t changed since the Donald was elected and he hasn’t been sworn in yet.There are alot of other people besides hitlerys cronies that don’t want him in office. We have no idea what’s to come.
I would take this as an opportunity to double up on getting ready for what’s coming down the pike,and we need to be ready.We still have illegals crossing the borders in record numbers.
I still don’t believe obummer and hitlery have given up yet.And trump said he looks foforward to working with them both in the future. Who knows, just don’t grow weary in preparing.
As for me, its full steam ahead with greater work to be done, we have four years to kick it into overdrive consolidate plans. Next election cycle it could be thr other way around.
Dems haven’t given up yet,their still trying to pull off a recount. W e might still have a fight on our hands.
Is everyone forgetting the possibility of an EMP either from the sun or manmade? What about an airburst from N Korea? I for one am not stopping.
I do believe that prepping was just a phase for many people, like recycling in the 70’s and genealogy in the 90’s. So many people get on board with whatever’s popular at the moment, but as time passes they realize they have no real interest in the subject. On the other hand, I also think that there are many like me who are much worse off financially than they were 4-8 years ago. The spirit is still willing, because this is the way I was raised, but I’m working longer hours for lower wages. I have less time to socialize, less money to spend, and am spending more time on re-learning lost skills than on stocking up. I feel that prepping is more important than ever, but my focus has been forced to change.
My liberal friends are losing their minds. They really think it’s the end of the world. Maybe it’s time THEY started prepping!! For us, I envision lots of good sales. Ammo is getting cheap!
Face it – 75% of people who call themselves “preppers” are just hobbyists & jumped on the bandwagon because it was a cool thing to be part of and now it’s no longer cool. I’ve seen this game since the late 80’s, economy is going to tank, Y2k, there’s a pandemic alert, your guy/gal didn’t get elected, terror attack, UN doing this or that, etc etc. We’ve been bombarded constantly for the last 8 years that the end is just 6-8 months away and nothing happens. People are burned out and many sadly believe that Trump is our Savior – they’re going to be highly disappointed, IMHO.
Our half assed “network” has totally fallen apart, over the last couple of weeks I along with a few others I know have been contacted by people to buy their stuff because it’s not going to be used now. Them saying, it’s been all hype to make money, waste of their money, how am I going to pay off credit cards before I need to buy Christmas Presents, (tried telling them why not give those items as presents?!?) yada yada yada. I try to tell them we still have many threats to worry about – #1 being the economy, this artificial bubble cannot last. They blow it off saying ‘things are better now’. #2 terror attacks from both foreign and domestic, #3 basic infrastructure failing. People won’t listen. Fine, to me it’s just part of the thinning out of the herd & those that remain are the ones I should be working and spending my time with.
Trump gives us only two things: 1) more time to prepare, and 2) sales and discounts on supplies. Use your time and money wisely.
Why prep? Now that Trump has been elected, there will be no more threats of EMP, tornados, hurricanes, injury, financial meltdowns or job loss. The future is secured. “Sarcasm off” I prepare for the everyday unknowns and will keep prepping. Some people are so blind to the everyday risks and cant see past their next paycheck. Keep prepping folks, God only knows what will be thrown at us next.
“Prepping” has been my lifestyle all my life. Having had my start on a farm. I was a prepper before I ever heard of one. I’ve always grown and shot a large % of my food and for the last six years I have generated all of my electricity with large solar arrays.
Honestly, I don’t see the world or our country to be a safer placed today even with the Trump victory. The America hating, communist, dog eating, bath housing, choom ganging, community organizing, Trojan Horse, Muslim usurper is still flooding the country with Islamic “rapefugies” while telling the border patrol to stand down.
I was hoping to see ammo prices drop after Trump won the election and I suppose some of it has but my M-855 green tips are still running too damned high.
“While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape.”
1 Thessalonians 5:3
The elites have been working literally for centuries setting this game board up, and they are not going to sit idly by while Trump moves those pieces around and changes the rules of the game. Currency and capital controls are moving ahead quickly, from India to Europe to New Zealand. We could be nearing war in Eastern Europe with Russia. Obama is pushing for the “two state” solution with Israel and the mis-named Palestinians, which will cause chaos. Iran is flush with cash and as belligerent as ever. North Korea continues to test missiles capable of delivering an EMP to the United States. China is threatening the US and anyone else who dares to get close to the Spratly Islands and the South China Sea, and the US is testing them. The global financial situation is worse today than it was in 2008 because of the astounding new levels of debt. What better way to usher in a new global financial system than to complete the crash of the existing system? What better way to neuter the United States than to pop our massive stock market bubble (when will people learn?!) and get us into a war we cannot afford? The FBI admitted they have over 1000 separate investigations going on, covering all 50 states, looking into terrorist cells and radical mosques.
The bottom line is, this world is perhaps MORE unstable now than before the election because the global elites feel like their back is up against the wall. The number one obstacle to global governance is a strong, prosperous United States where the citizens are still armed. They have been trying to change that through many methods, including destroying the social and moral fabric of our nation, for over 60 years. Many of our citizens have been indoctrinated into the wonders of socialism and communism and the “evils” of both guns and God.
Now is not the time to quit preparing for what is coming. It is the time to step up. If there are some lower prices to be found, consider that a gift and get busy.
As always, I hope I am absolutely wrong. Pray for the best, but prepare for the worst, folks. Blessings to all!
I have been prepping for 35 years and I have no plan of stopping now.
Let us not forget that we don’t need to look further than the loss of a job (income) to be in an emergency situation requiring the use of the items we have put aside.
Bye the way, if the Liberals start prepping, what would that look like?
= Putting away more blank requests for financial aid?
= Reading more books on how to Loot?
= Studying Protests from history so you can do it more violently?
= Read up on how to steal better like Saul Alinsky taught Hillary?
= Network with other like minded voter fraud individuals?
= Work towards increasing the number of unlawful immigrants who’ll illeagally vote for whomever gives them the most stuff?
= Learn how to argue without engaging the brain?
Just curious.
When you said “…the gift of time,” you hit the nail on the head. So many people actually prayed that some one would beat Clinton and God heard. The globalist demons were slowed but not entirely stopped. Are we as a nation going to continue to pray and defend moral principles or are we going back to the attitudes, “as long as it doesn’t directly have effects on me, I don’t care”. The movement of “let’s all get along until you say something we don’t agree with” is sending good citizens to hide in the corner. We have the right and duty to speak out against wrong. The enemies have no problem shaking the boat. We have let the 2 percenters and the 10 percenters reshape our judicial, school, and public policies long enough. With God’s guidance we must prepare for the worst and speak the truth of the biblical principles that this country were founded upon.
I agree Rourke, we dodged a major bullet on November 8th. Perhaps the prepper movement is shrinking back down to its core practitioners.
One election is not our saving grace but the establishment and the socialist Democrat movement have received the beat-down they have long deserved. Especially for the Democrats, the last eight years have been a blood bath. This election has provided us new opportunities and broadened our options, and prepping is all about options…
It has always been a hobby for me, a serious one but still. The desire to be self reliant and self sufficient hasn’t changed and I will continue on as before…
Not the time to stop preparing. Nationwide issues may be shortly put off but emergencies continue and the liberal left will continue their assault on liberty, freedoms and patriotism! Continue to prepare for the worst and hope for the best!
– Keep Looking UP
We only have been given a little extra time even Trump scares me. More than ever do we need to prepare its when you think alls ok that you get blindsided, head on a swivel.
Agreed, also. We dodged the bullet, but….that doesn’t mean sit back. It means we can slow down to a normal pace and enjoy the breeze/view along the way. 🙂
ditto CaptTurbo.. grew up farming, though recent years have made me much more refined and diverse.. along with those basic skills… maybe a little more well managed and a little smarter ..
I think I am going to take an exception to some of what i said..
1st you can’t whip up a frenzy and keep it there for anything .. the non-serious/committed fall away. To me that means in not to long there will be a lot of it in yard sales and goodwill, estate sales.. pennies on the dollar .. good. Is what it is, if stuff happens. It is also likely we’ll see some large sales and price drops by the various emergency food providers… demand falls .. so does the price
I don’t think we dodged THE bullet .. we dodged A bullet .. Economic collapse is not less likely. Soros and Foreign powers are just changing their planning.. their goals are long term and have not changed for the demise of the USA. I’m not trying to be all tin foil hat… From the day of the returns on the election the hate speech has skyrocketed.. though more accurately the character of “free speech ” has just become more pointed and actions violent. hate speech is an invention of the left, a trap. Because I am for the first Amendment doesn’t mean I can’t listen and use it to plan right ? It’s more likely that something less than TEOTWAWKI hass and regionally .. It is altogether possible that the election could make those on the left more bold and bring it to a head…. sooner or later.. Let DT do the IRS changes, kick people off assistance, begin deportations, deny refugees.. all planned so far and lets see what happens. Short version is that it is more important than ever .. toss in the odd weather.. Jobs will change as well.. It can change my priority of what and when as well as how much .. but never the goal .. take care of family and self.. bad idea to not continue IMO.
It took a long time to screw it up, and it won’t get fixed quickly .. and it will involve sacrifice.. something sheep and left won’t do well at all.
How can you tell if a terror group is about to do something… or our government .. normally ? A huge reduction in chatter… lack of chatter doesn’t necessarily mean relax, it’s all good… Let’s say you make a mistake, like we all have. We see ourselves differently because of how we feel about ourselves. In reality we are the same person we were before the mistake.. we just learned something is all.. Same stuff before the election is and will go on after.. for the foreseeable future.. don’t kid yourself.
One thing I am seeing though that is a little distressing.. lack of buzz for the blossoming prepper community is causing a pretty big uptick in some fairly wild an non-credible information to try and KEEP the buzz.. No buzz.. no traffic .. no traffic no advert money… so we are seeing some crazy talk which makes the lefties say .. “SEE we told you… etc etc.. “. It’s a shame that the folks only in it for moeny will discredit the movement to try to keep it.
So the plan is still .. go and stay gray as possible .. get the GOOD feeling (Get Out Of Debt) and stay there . If you invest, do it in something that can be converted to other forms.. Not all of it should be in 1’s and zero’s in a computer account somewhere. Diversify your risk fiscally.
ok rambling.. sorry
Good stuff GG58 -appreciate you sharing.