Telegram Channels and Groups – Join Us!

I’ve discussed Telegram as a communications tool previously. It continues to rank up there as one of the most secure communication tools available.  With many media platforms and accounts being taken down the ability for like-minded folks to network and communicate online has been challenging at best. Many of us who are Constitutionalists, freedom-loving, traditional in our values, and support the 2nd Amendment are now being called “extremists” by our own government and expelled or censored from many social media platforms. Our ability to freely communicate remains but is certainly diminished.

For some time I’ve had a Telegram Group where a small number of us get together daily and chat about current events, news, prepping, life, and sometimes what we’ve cooked for dinner. We also exchange digital books, guides, manuals and other items related to preparedness. It should be noted that Telegram was banned for two years in Russia as the government wanted access to user information, however, the owner refused.

If interested in joining our small Telegram Chat Group – send me an email. I don’t want to publicize the link to join this private group. Email: 1776PatriotUSA ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com. This group discusses a variety of preparedness topics and current events all in real-time. Pretty cool!!

Telegram can be used on both a computer as well as phones.

What Is Telegram:

Telegram is a freeware, cross-platform, cloud-based instant messaging software and service. The application servers of Telegram are distributed worldwide to decrease data load, while the operations center is currently based in Dubai. Along with regular IM, the service has video calling, VoIP, file sharing, and other features.

No-  it’s not owned by Google, Facebook, or any other supergiant technological conglomerate. If you have any questions or issues joining up comment below and I’ll do what I can to assist.


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