Silver, Inflation, and the US Dollar

A hot topic and always controversial is the purchasing of precious metals. I tend to focus on silver as gold is simply out of reach financially. First – I am not suggesting that in a grid-down, apocalyptic, mass starvation event that silver would be an ideal tangible to have stockpiled. I will also say that silver for thousands of years has been recognized as having value and has been used as a form of commerce. From my perspective, I use silver as a means to retain wealth and it is a hedge against inflation.

We live in some pretty strange times when millions of workers have disappeared from the labor market yet still survive somehow. At the same time, the unemployment rate is supposedly at its lowest rate ever, inflation continues to provide challenges as it outpaces wage increases, and we have a government that is beating the war drums. The national debt is well over $31 trillion.

So – back to silver. As part of my preps I put back some silver. Yeah – it hasn’t been a lot. A few ounces here and a few ounces there. A little bit over time adds up and it’s a piece of the puzzle from my overall preparedness system. A cash reserve both in the bank and out is important. Beans, bullets, band-aids and more help round out tangibles that would come in handy through any kind of SHTF event.

Silver is heading upwards of late. Watch for dips and buy-in.

My 2 cents.



PS. My personal choice for buying silver is Money Metals Exchange. There are many good ones out there. Got one? Share it.



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