
I’ve mentioned before that I’ve had a love/hate relationship with precious metals. Never having the money for gold, silver has been my go-to. With all that is going on in the world and the economic challenges, I see over the next few years silver very well be a savior when it comes to retaining value in your hard-earned dollars. Before the comment section gets blown up “you can’t eat silver” and “my precious metals are lead and brass”  – yup, 100% correct. We are not looking at silver for a complete grid-down, people are starving, end-of-the-world environment. No – silver could be key to retaining purchasing power on the way down to a complete collapse.

As I write this silver has dropped very close to the price I bought it last go around. I usually frequent Money Metals Exchange. I might grab another 20 rounds or maybe some junk silver.




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