Short Notice Sale – USPS Shipping Increasing – 17.76% OFF ALL ITEMS

Beginning January 21st the US Postal Service is raising their rates once again. Over the past year I’ve had numerous incremental increases in raw materials increase in price due to inflation as well as supply chain changes. I’ve resisted raising prices as much as possible, however, with the shipping rates increasing yet again I have no choice. For the next few days I’m going to run a sale with a 17.76% discount off the current low prices before the new shipping rates kick in.ย  Visit the 1776 Survival & Preparedness Store to see all products offered.

Here is the deal:

Coupon Code: “1776”

Discount: 17.76%

Discount code will work on all orders.

Free Shipping on all orders within the United States.

Appreciate the support!!

Take care all –


The Backyard Homestead(Digital Version)

Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre!
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The Backyard Homestead(Digital Version)
Product Details

With just a quarter acre of land, you can feed a family of four with fresh, organic food year-round.

Immediate Digital Delivery

This comprehensive guide to self-sufficiency gives you all the information you need to grow and preserve a variety of vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts and grains; raise chickens for eggs and meat; raise cows, sheep and goats for meat or milk; raise pigs and rabbits; and keep honeybees.

Simple instructions make it easy to enjoy canned, frozen, dried and pickled produce all winter; use your own grains to make bread, pasta and beer; turn fresh milk into delicious homemade yogurt, butter and cheese; make your own wine, cordials and herbal teas; and much, much more. It truly is possible to eat entirely from your backyard.

Only $2.99 for the digital version. Fully printable and searchable.







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