Protesters Storm Capital

As of 3:30 pm EST protestors in support of President Trump and frustrated by the absolute theft of the 2020 Presential election stormed the Captial building. At the time the protestors breached the property lawmakers were debating the electoral votes meant to certify Biden as the 46th President of the United States.

Over the past hour listening to politicians, news pundits, and reporters all are outraged, shocked, and disgusted by the actions of these “Trump supporters”. Really? Where was the outrage over rioters destroying businesses and throwing bottles at police? I digress.

How long this will last is unknown and it’s not going to stop Biden from taking office. We are witnessing the fundamental change and destruction of America. Those who scoff at the idea of citizens entering the Capital to take a stand likely would have objected to those who stood up to the British back in 1775.

The soapbox hasn’t worked. The ballot box hasn’t worked. Next?

I pray things remain peaceful and both law enforcement and protestors stay safe.



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