New Generator for the Maine Homestead

As we have seen with some of the recent storms and natural disasters having a form of alternative emergency separate from the grid can be critical to minimizing the impact of power outages. While we have spent less than two years on our property and continue to work on developing the homestead, we only have a small generator of 2000W. It has worked well through a couple of major power outages and kept the deep freeze and refrigerator going with no issues.

With the possibility of a larger, long-term power outage we’ve wanted a larger generator for some time. Our cabin actually uses a fairly low amount of power.

off grid, ALTERNATIVE power, EMP, cabin, retreat, survival, shtf, prepper, preparedness, generator, Genny, budget

A friend and co-worker who understands we moved to Maine and are basically starting over from scratch has gifted us a Coleman 6750-watt generator. This generator has definitely seen some usage. Importantly, it has been well maintained. My buddy just had it serviced with spark plug checked and oil changed. Since he purchased a new Generac, he offered the Coleman to us no charge.

I was beyond grateful.

I’ll contact a local electrician and look at options to tie it into the house.

Of course, we seek to have redundancy in all systems and will maintain the smaller generator as well – just in case.

As I type this a new Cat 5 hurricane is barreling towards Florida. This highlights the need to prepare as we live in extremely uncertain times.

With that said……take care all!


The Survival Doctor's Complete Handbook(Digital Version)

What to Do When Help is NOT on the Way
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The Survival Doctor's Complete Handbook(Digital Version)
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The essential guide to take care of your family’s health when you can’t get medical help or answers right away.

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It's the worst snowstorm you can remember. The ice-covered streets are abandoned. You hear a boom in the distance, and your computer screen goes blank. Darkness. A crash and another bang from inside the house. In the hallway, your husband sits on the floor, soaked in blood. You dial 911, and all you get is a busy signal.

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How to prevent hypothermia when your heat has gone out.

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.........and much more

Only $2.99 for the digital version. Fully printable and searchable.




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