With the large selection of modern semi-auto “black” rifles such as the AR-15 and AK-47, the lever action is rarely discussed. Although many would argue there is little reason to consider a lever action in .30-30 Winchester with the availability of low-price semi-auto’s – options are a wonderful thing. As stated in the video there are numerous areas around the country where semi-auto, magazine fed weapons are illegal. The lever action in those areas would be a good option. Besides – there are a lot of uses for firearms than just self-defense.
Growing up it was common to see pickup trucks with rifles mounted in the rear window. More frequently than not at least one of those rifles was a lever action and the other a shotgun. Sometimes called a “truck gun”, the lever action certainly attracts less attention from people than an AK-47.
While there are pro’s and con’s to the design, function, and ergonomics of the lever-action – it is found in thousands of gun safes all across the United States.
I wonder how many deer have been harvested with lever actions?
Reading this I am reminded of the opening scene of the RIFLEMAN, where the lead characters empties his lever action rifle in just a few seconds. It is possible to shoot that fast (there is a trick to it and it’s not at all accurate) but since it is a tube magazine, it takes longer to reload than with a replaceble magazine.
I remember that Smith.
I know of at least 2 this season that met a 30-30 and went to freezer camp.
Stay Safe All
I do not think I want to be within a 30-30 effective range when some one knows how to use it is shooting it.
Same here JohnP. Same here.
Good review! Great gun.
That rear buck horn sight looks like it was moved out of the dove tail quite a bit. Probably why you had to put a scope on that 30-30. I had the same issue with both my 30-30 Marlins. A hammer spur would come in handy with the scope on. Lever actions really should not have scopes but poor eyes and poor iron sights demand otherwise-lol. Still you got to love lever actions.