John Rourke, Dreams, Life……..the Apocalypse

This is going to be a deeply personal post. I certainly have some apprehensions about posting it. As a kid, I always felt a bit different. Not that I was smarter than everyone else but I felt I was more “aware” of what was going on around me.  At 52 years old I have been divorced and connected with someone that I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever is my soulmate – MainePrepperGirl. I was fired from a job I worked at a company for nearly 20 years and changed careers. I’ve moved several times going from South Carolina to Georgia, back to South Carolina and now we’re in Kentucky.

My lifelong dream has been to live independently and write. Write stories, books, articles, and be creative. I’ve enjoyed so much connecting with like-minded folks and gaining knowledge and providing advice that others could use to prepare for hard times ahead. I’ve written books, been featured IN books – and been 100% human and screwed up just as everyone else has.

Over the last 40 years, I’ve been driven by an unrelating feeling that “something” awaits us around the corner that will threaten our very existence. What awaits us is unknown and unpredictable. Regardless – I’ve prepared and called on others to do the same.

In 2022 we see just an absolute insane series of events unfolding. Inflation is affecting almost everyone as gas prices, food, and almost everything are going up in price. People are wondering how they will put gas in their vehicles AND put food in their children’s mouths. We have a superpower invading a small country and new viruses popping up to threaten our safety. Insanity walks into schools killing our children while politicians make decisions that will affect our lives based on polls rather than principles.

Born in Massachusets, moved all around the east coast – I now sit in Kentucky living full-time in a camper right along a river.

Life is unpredictable. What will happen tomorrow? Who knows?

I’ll be with MPG and we will adapt, overcome, and evolve however we need to.

Hope all of you will be there with me as well.

Take care all –



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