Today we face a daily torrent of troubling news. The world itself seems to be falling apart as in almost every hemisphere chaos is present. The Middle East continues to be a powder keg of violence and death. Terrorism is spreading across the planet with radical Islam’s touch going so far that teenage girls in modern societies are pledging loyalty. Troubling. Political dismay is running wild throughout Europe as well as the United States with division being a standard operating procedure. Mother nature is wreaking havoc in many areas and economic strife continues to inflict sorrow and struggle on countless millions – worldwide.
I’m not done.
North Korea continues their threats recently detonating a hydrogen bomb. Iran – one of the largest backers of terrorism –Â Â receives billions of dollars due to a “deal” headed by the United States. Â China’s economic struggles have the rest of the world’s stock markets on a roller coaster ride of unpredictability. Russia consistently flexes its military muscles totally disregarding the United States and its demands. The United States – once a valued and respected world superpower – is now looked at as anemic and passive. We have a leader in the White House who disregards the Constitution and bypasses Congress to achieve his personal will.
But wait….there’s more.
The US population continues to stray away from God and the core principles which once guided this country. Our morals are decaying and Islam is now the second largest practicing religion in this country. The “low information voter” continues to support politicians instead of leaders. Citizens are more in touch with what the Kardashians are doing and gossiping about their neighbors than critical issues that will affect generations to come.
That’s about enough.
So yes – it is all falling apart. I sit here in my living room wondering how it will all turn out and exactly what actions I should take in response. Â I mean…..what is an American Patriot to do? As a gun-toting, God-loving, Conservative believer in the Constitution it can be pretty frustrating.
Here are a few thoughts:
- Accept that there may not be anything you can do to improve all these situations used as examples. It’s reality. As an individual the ability to inflict major change is limited and just not very realistic.
- As individuals we are empowered to take responsibility for ourselves. Regardless of government intrusion and all the craziness in the world we can make decisions for ourselves that WILL have an impact.
- We can reduce our debt to diminish our economic exposure.
- Secondary sources of income can be sought to better handle job loss.
- Grow your own food to decrease the dependence on grocery stores.
- Become part of a survival group. In a group if one member falls on hard luck the others can help lift them up.
- Save money. In almost any collapse cash money would continue to be used for some time. In a personal SHTF such as job loss cash reserves would extremely beneficial.
- Vote. Yeah – I know. They are all crooks. It is easy to get down on the entire political process. Believe me I understand. There are some true leaders out there that are trying to do good. Those that are – vote for them.
- Prepare. If it all does come crashing down put back food, water, firearms, and other essential supplies to weather the storm.
- Concealed Carry. Take responsibility for your own safety and be armed. Get the training and become proficient.
- Ignore it all. Yes – I know many people who just choose to exist in ignorant bliss and bury their head in the sand. They pay no attention to politics and watch no news. For them it’s all palm trees and ocean breeze.
No doubt this is not an all-inclusive list of concerning events nor methods of dealing with them. I don’t proclaim to have all the answers. It is not all gloom and doom and it is possible that everything will work out just fine. I can’t see how but it is possible.
The one thing that I find solace in is to surround myself with good people. People that are like-minded and have similar values as myself. That cannot be purchased with money but is extremely valuable.
Take care all –
 *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
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I believe the Dali Lama said it best in May of 2001 while speaking at the Portland Oregon “Educating the Heart Summit” he replied to a question about an active shooter situation in a school. He said, “If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun.
I had never heard that one Brad M. He’s 100% correct.
Welcome back John. You just made my day!
Thanks Dale. Appreciate it.
Unfortunately even voting for ‘the good guys’ doesn’t seem to work because the rest of the masses do whatever they are told is popular. This little bastard of a city now has 8.25% sales tax, higher than Denver, because they purposely let the potholes get so bad people begged to pay higher taxes (no joke, they flocked to the voting booths and anyone who opposed it was labeled a right wing nut job).
The people we thought were good guys? They backed the tax increase and advertising with most of the money coming from the developers who will get the contracts.
It’s a shame to watch what I/we love get flushed down the toilet because people have a shiny new bauble and plenty of distraction.
I see exactly what you are saying all the time Max. It is very frustrating when elected leaders seem to stand for something and then do the opposite of what they were elected to do. Eventually there will be some form of “reset.” We’ll see.
Sadly, I don’t see things getting any better in the near future. There are far too many people on the dole, only looking for a handout. Their biggest question for any candidate is “What are you going to do for me?” not what are you going to do to fix this country. On the other end of the spectrum, you have the ultra wealthy that care about no one and feel they can buy and sell people as they see fit. They could care less what they do to this country or to it’s people, so long as they make a profit. I am afraid we are going to have to see a major reset of the economy, and I mean a really big one, before we start seeing anything change. When everyone wakes up at the bottom of the gutter, there will only be one way left and that is up.
You speak the truth JAS. The big question I contemplate is when will that reset occur and in what manner will it be carried out.
Rourke, As always right on the nose!! I only hope that enough people will wake up in time to change this great country called The United States, back in the direction we should be going ! If not, well, I am as ready as I can be considering. Keep your powder dry and your head on your shoulders!!
Thanks Duncan. I hope so as well.
As always Rourke, you reflect what many think. It’s true, the world is on fire and here in America we are in full seizure. To borrow some from Roger Scruton- those leading us down this dangerous path believe they are moving us toward an enlightened future. They refuse however to imagine what the state of our country will be like when we arrive. Will it be the utopia they promise, or a smoldering ruins? They lead us, rushing head-long toward this new enlightenment with little regard for the value/importance of what they insist we must leave behind. As a people we’ve lost our way, but we’re making great time.
Indeed, what’s a patriot to do………
Words of wisdom Mr. Gault. Thanks for sharing.
meet and get to know good people and organize in small groups.. small groups could be organized into large ones. But do it quietly and without fanfare.. big mouths make big targets, loose lips sink ships and all those one liners. Except for those like minded people you mention John.. I’m now treating things like fight club,,
So remember Rule 1. 🙂
I am talking in very limited way on social media as well .. There is not a thing that you cannot get in electronically.. if it has electronics and is connected.
I’d really like a more secure way to talk openly .. guess I am having trust issues my my Uncle.
I’m collecting mechanical alternates.. tools so to speak.. everything my Grandpa used to have and use.
On the cash thing .. cash in the back on on debit cards isn’t cash since it can be stopped easily .. that presents a problem .. of sorts .. Don’t forget to have barter items too .. 2 is one and one is none on some things unless you can make them.
Some folks do get caught up in the misery and angst .. I have at times ..
all you can do is all you can do .. so don’t wallow in it just get on with it.
I have got to get a better handle on growing stuff .. takes time to do it well …
soo.. I’ll work on it .. it’s what I CAN do.
Good to see you back John.
Appreciate your comments goingray58. Good point on the limitations of debit cards. Cash in the freezer is better than cash in the bank when it all comes crashing down.
John, thanks and glad your back with bigger and better things.
Appreciate that Kevin.
Great points JR, I agree
Thanks Badger359.
Good Points as always JR . Maybe more people will wake up soon . We can only hope.
Thanks secondrecon. Time will tell.
Back in the saddle again! Let’s ride!To better and greater things!!!!
Giddy up!
Well said John. When, is indeed the question, not if. There will be no easy fix for the problems we are facing, the biggest of which being how people perceive the world and so-called leaders around them. It’s one big fustercluck.
I’m truly scared for my boys and their generation’s freedoms and abilities to provide for and protect their future families. What’s even scarier is that their and the current generation have no clue as to the consequences of what’s happening today. It’s much easier for people to ignore the problems around them, especially when they don’t have to work for and earn their wants and needs, which are just handed to them – why rock the boat? A large part of our generation has become extremely lazy and has no respect for hard work and it’s bounty, and why should they, when our so-called leaders encourage this behavior. This enabled, deserving mindset is one of the many things that has to change, if we are going to fix our country. What these people don’t understand, is that the provisions they’re receiving aren’t free, they come at a great cost – our freedoms. God, our forefathers and soldiers have bled to provide these freedoms to us, we need to respect their sacrifices and continue to fight hard to keep them. If we fail, America will fade away.
I believe Facebook and other social media have caused people to become emotionally disconnected from each other and to lose focus on what’s truly important around them, instead their focus is on how many “likes” and “tweets” they receive for their post on Kim Kardashian’s new hairstyle. With that said, social media can be a useful tool for easily getting your message out to a lot of people. However, I also agree with goingray58, in that by using social media, you risk being targeted by the powers that be. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was an actual database that segregated people into compliant sheeple vs non-compliant troublemakers, based on their social media posts/online info. I decided several months ago that I would no longer use social media to express my beliefs/interests and provide personal/family information. Maybe I’m being paranoid, but a little paranoia could go a long way towards preserving your well-being, in my opinion.
Now that I’m done ranting, I like the idea of creating a group resource. If there is one thing that I’ve learned, it’s that enacting societal change and survival cannot be successfully performed alone, you need additional like-minded individuals who aren’t afraid to get their hands wet, working towards a common goal, to have a chance at success and survival.
Lastly, it may be useful to discuss potential bug-out locales across the USA (based on weather, population density, available/plentiful resources, other factors…), as well as creating and hiding stashes within, close to and away from your residence/bug-out/bug-in locations – just some ideas for future topics. Also, how about talking about useful/concealed places within your home to stash firearms for emergency use – it would be helpful to get ideas from other like-minded individuals.
Take care all and continue to fight the good fight.
You said a mouthful and I agree 100%. Good idea at the end on possible discussions in the future. I will take note of it.
I know a lot of you dont like to talk to others for fear of being put on a watch list, or ridiculed, and I cant say I blame ya. But you have to reach out and talk to people and let them know what youre seeing. Make sure you can back up your claims with facts. Facts are what let people know we’re not the crazy ones. There are a LOT of people who are like minded, and you never know until you start running your mouth. Theres also another group of people who believe it or not, have absolutely no clue what is happening to this country. They dont even realize their own puppet strings are being pulled every day. And its not because theyre bad people, theyre not stupid, BUT they are on a “merry go round”. I have friends who work 2-3 jobs and have no time to pay attention to whats on the news let alone read the back channels (the real news) or identify with others. Some of my friends are so out of touch with whats going on because they work so hard, they almost cant believe it when I tell them whats happening. But folks, we need to spread the good word and educate people. Silence is consent. I have woken up many people to the things going on in this country. Ive also built a great network of people this way. Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, Hunters, HVAC guys, Electricians, Mechanics, Farmers, Plumbers, Construction workers and contractors, even my Landscaper. If the monetary system ever took a total dump, we’d all be fine because we barter services and goods. We all have gotten to know each other so well, we all form a very self sustaining network. Hell, I live in New Germany………I mean New JErsey which is one of th worst states to live in and as much as Id love to leave, its hard to leave behind the network of people Ive developed. Its time to stand up and be counted! There is nowhere to bug out to. This is our country, and we have to stand up for whats right and get this bitch back on course. If we dont, our children will never know the freedoms we once enjoyed.
Thanks you Gary! Right on the money.
Well said Gary, and I agree with you.
Personally (when possible), I prefer to talk to people in person and develop a more direct and discrete relationship, but I agree that getting the word out to both oblivious and like-minded people is very important, and the web and social media are the best medium to accomplish this task. I’m glad that JR and others have taken on the responsibility of creating and managing preparedness websites to help keep people informed and share knowledge, kudos to you all.
I always tell my friends and kids, if you want people to believe what you say and take you seriously, whether debating a topic or trying to get people to agree with your thinking, always stick to the facts and leave emotion out of it.
I will say that it’s heartening to hear from similar-minded people, who do have a clue and a plan (or at least want to learn), and are courageous and willing to stand up against tyranny.
May God watch over and guide us all back to the path of righteousness.
Thanks for this article. More on this subject later on would be welcome. You hit on a number of strategies an individual can do without hitting the street and running around like a mad man. As I stated one time before, your site is a site for the “mature” prepper.