From the Desk of John Rourke….UFO’s, 2025, Homesteading, Health……

Good morning all!! Thoughts I’d throw out an update or two along with some thoughts on a few topics.

HEALTH: I still haven’t received the results from my CT scan. I’ve called radiology and the surgeon’s office, but nothing. Not knowing certainly doesn’t help me wonder about the possibilities and resulting plans. It also doesn’t help me as I plan for 2025 not knowing what will be happening.

Just keep moving forward. Keep. Moving. Forward.


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UFOs: All the talk surrounding drones in New Jersey as well as other parts of the country have me pretty puzzled – and concerned. The way the government is blatantly not doing ANYTHING about the situation makes me believe that they know exactly what is going on and either CAN’T do anything about it or simply can’t tell the public. Either way – not good.

“Made this a few days ago on the New Jersey drones….”

Some of the footage coming in seems unreal – as in incredible. There are theories that they are searching for something. Nuclear material? Terrorists? Chemical/biological entity? Angels? 

One possibility is that the US government is sending drones up to investigate the other “drones” that have not been identified.

We shall see.

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2025/1776: I’ve started a post to be published before the 1st. Going to share some goals and objectives for Kass and I. I’ll also have an announcement regarding this website and efforts to expand the traffic and reach. I mentioned previously here – – – >

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Homestead: Around Thanksgiving, we had totaled about 10″ of snow. Quite a bit for that early. We picked up additional wood for the woodstove and we’ve had temps as low as 5 degrees.

About a week ago a warm-up happened and temps got up to 60 degrees. Snow…..GONE. Past few days a few inches fell so it looks like a white Christmas will happen. I’m glad for that.

Take care all –



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