From the Desk of John Rourke – September 10th, 2024

Never again use margarine. I stopped about two years ago in an effort to try to eat more naturally with fewer processed foods. It’s not butter, nor actual food. 🌱

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Back-up and redundant methods for heat are important here in Maine. Temps drop down well below zero frequently in Winter and I’m often thinking about, “What if?” For the main living area, we have a wood stove and a large propane heater. If I want to work out in the garage I’ve had a kerosene heater for that as well as some smaller propane heaters. To add to the overall heating system picked up another kerosene heater for $25. Came with 3 gallons of fuel as well. Good deal!

kerosene heater, winter heat, backup heat, shtf, prepare,


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Time for an oil change.

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The 1st amendment was set up to allow speech and expression that people might hate. The way the left has expressed “dissatisfaction” with certain speech and spoke of legal options against those that promote what they don’t like is scary.

One quick example of the attack on free speech – Elon Musk was a hero of the left when he was just someone pushing electric cars. He buys Twitter and talks of free speech for all – and he has been relentlessly attacked. Old Lefty Robert Reich has called for his arrest and imprisonment.

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When many of us mention election interference some may think of totes of votes being pulled out at 1:00am to feed the machines. Yes….that may be part of it. An organized direct pursuit to influence an election and drive votes in one direction via manipulation of ANYTHING is election interference.

It goes beyond simply convincing citizens to vote one way or another. It’s corruption and manipulation at its core.

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Some preps don’t require a ton of money or research. A couple of extra manual can openers are critical if the food storage program contains a lot of canned food(mine does).Β  I have a good amount of P38 and P51 can openers as well. Think about if you put together a box of a few cans of food for a neighbor and they don’t have a manual can opener. Good to have extras.

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I’m not watching the debate tonight. My temper and anxiety won’t allow it. At another time I’ll get updates and maybe I’ll watch it when I feel ready. I know what’s going to happen. I’d rather go out in the chilly Maine night and work on food storage and other preps that I can control. I’ll do me and you do you.

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Take care all –


Survival & Preparedness Ruggedized Waterproof Digital Information Library USB Prepper | SHTF | Economic Collapse | Civil War | Free Shipping

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Survival & Preparedness Ruggedized Waterproof Digital Information Library USB Prepper | SHTF | Economic Collapse | Civil War | Free Shipping
Product Details

Survival & Preparedness Ruggedized Waterproof Digital Information Library USB


Why would you want this RUGGEDIZED USB and what problem does it solve?

Glad you asked.......

We simply don't know what the world is going to throw at us next. Mass inflation, threats of civil war, economic collapse, crime waves, riots......even World War III.

crime wave, civil unrest, civil war, riots, economic collapse, shtf, survival, preparedness, prepper, get ready, how to prepare, food shortage, hyperinflation

It's simply common sense to prepare our family and friends for what so many believe is inevitable. Regardless of what happens - having a vast library of information on how to grow your own food, handle a variety of medical conditions, build shelter, and be prepared for a variety of difficult situations simply makes sense.

Adding a backup of family photos, home inventories, important documents, and more will help ensure you are prepared for any situation that may occur as we move forward into such an uncertain future.

Having a rugged, waterproof 64GB USB drive packed with thousands of survival & preparedness information as well as your own personal backup of important documents, policies, photos, records, etc. is incredibly important.

This information can be accessed from a smartphone, tablet, laptop, computer - or any other multimedia device. The vast majority of content is in common PDF format as well as text, photos, and video.

Thousands of guides, manuals, books, articles, videos, and other documents provide an essential library which to use as a resource to improve not only the survivability of your family - but the quality of life.

Here's the main message we want to get across to you.........

BE PREPARED!!!! starts your journey into the rest of your life recognizing the need to get ready for the inevitable calamity that we all are heading towards.

Any good survival & preparedness system is made of many parts - or puzzle pieces if you will. This ruggedized and waterproof USB drive is merely one important piece of that system.






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