From the Desk of John Rourke – May 11th, 2020

A few upcoming changes with the website: The daily free survival & preparedness Kindle ebook posts will change next week to Monday – Thursday and will post at around 8:00pm each evening. We will see how this works out as frequently prices change on Kindle ebooks after midnight. If people can’t grab them the evening the posts come out it may be not worth doing. My days are going to be occupied, thus, it will be difficult to post each morning like I have been doing.

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The image at the top of this post came from a hiking trip awhile back.

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I mentioned previously that I have a major article coming out on food storage on a budget. As I have been putting this together it has become a monumental task, but, I’m getting it done. I hope to complete this week.

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Appreciate all the votes over at the Top Prepper Website. It helps keep us in the Top 10 and drive this website higher.  Remember – you can vote daily so all help is greatly appreciated.

Click HERE to vote.


Another method of support is to like our videos over on YouTube. The YouTUbe algorithm works against smaller channels as they want you to pay for advertising.  Every Like, comment, and subscriber helps tremendously.

Visit the John Rourke YouTube Channel by clicking HERE.

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Speaking of YouTube one of my latest videos is related to H.R. 6666. This bill was recently introduced into the House of Representatives and has quite a fuss and I can understand why. First off – the bill is an additional 1 trillion dollars(if it passes) onto the National Debt. Second – it funds government-sponsored testing for COVID-19 at your home. This is significant. It also references the need to quarantine people which opens the question as to how they will be quarantined. Many questions about whether government entities will take the power and authority to the extreme and remove children from homes where positive COVID-19 tests are. While a lot of the controversy I believe is unfounded I understand the concern. Questioning the government is always a good thing.

My video: continues to provide daily deals Monday-Friday. Some really interesting items over there at great prices. I took advantage of this deal and order the camp stove. It came with fuel tabs and for $5.99 a bargain.

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Take care all ad have a great week!!


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