So my son got fired from the job he has worked for the past year – Zaxby’s. It was his first job and he made me really proud how serious he took it. He missed a total of 1 day and brought a doctors note for that absence. He received a raise about a month ago. Why was he fired? He messed up and thought he was scheduled to work at 5:00pm Sunday – he was actually supposed to be there at 11:00am. He screwed up. They called him at 12:00 and asked where he was. He jumped in the shower and drove to work – only to have a manager with a big smile on his face tell him he wasn’t needed and to go home.
He called to get his schedule for the week and was told he was fired.
I struggle letting this go although there is not much to do. So frustrating.
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Interesting how theΒ Left continues to try to out due itself in the hypocrisy department. Outrage over the limitation of citizens from 7 countries from entering the United States is widespread sparking “protests”. Interesting. I do not seem to remember any protests from Liberals when Obama banned refugees from Iraq for 6 months in 2011. How about Democratic President Roosevelt who rounded up American citizens and placed them in camps?
Naw…..ignore the facts.
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I’ve replaced almost all bulbs in my house with LED bulbs. Prices are dropping and they last so much longer.Β This is especially useful for those bulbs sitting high up and in difficult to get to areas.
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I’ve been experimenting with my Seek Thermal mini camera. For around $250 I am fairly impressed. I see my group having a few of these hooked to iPad Mini’s and monitoring them as part of a security surveillance system. Thermal continues to get cheaper. I’ll try to post some video’s showing what it looks like.
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I just discovered Microtech automatic knives. Sweet!!! They are legal here in South Carolina. Dealer for these high-end knives is a few miles from my house.
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How To Survive A Mass Shooting
Worldwide Effects of Nuclear War
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As painful as it is, your son has learned the first rule of life…life isn’t fair. The second rule is, you will run into both good people and $&&holes. Whoever smiles firing a teenager with his work ethic is one of the latter.
Amen Steve.
Very true StevefromMA.
The kid can do better. Nobody needs a mentally ill cow-orker. Smiling while hurting a cow-orker should be a capital offense.
Suggestion: shower at night.
Thanks Mustyone.
This wasn’t a firing for performance, it was a power play. This guy enjoys intimidation, and it would not be a good place to work. Bad for self-esteem. I have experienced similar stuff, and one feels a lot better when you have a new job under a normal person.
Good point Lynn. These “managers” have no training on how to deal with or lead people.
JR, sorry to hear about your son’s firing, but StevefromMA and Mustyone hit the nail on the head.
I would be sorely tempted to talk to the guy. I might or might not.. depends on the situation. you probably did the right thing. About the only thing we can do for our kids on something like that is encourage them. Help em get a new spot maybe. I had two similar instances with mine. It was important to me to have them understand it wasn’t their fault solely, that they did the right things, or what they could do differently.Beginnings are tough for young adults trying to figure out how to navigate, and more importantly how to respond. All three of mine are very different temperamentally, so it’s different medicines to similar ailments so to speak.
One I took fishing to talk and reflect, and the other I took to dinner to celebrate dressed up.
You are in their corner and love them. They know it and it’ all they really need.
Dust im off and get him back out there.. i’d he’ like his Dad he” be fine.
Under “Today’s Freebies”…..How to Survive a Mass Shooting……
Cover, Movement, Return Fire
Do you know what they teach at corporate security briefing now ?
Run, Hide, Fight
This after they post a sign that says no weapons (knives or firearms) allowed in the building. It’s only recently that TN has passed legislation that individuals may transport to a parking lot associated with a business, but the business is allowed to deny in it’s property (building). So just how does one adequately defend oneself with only a letter opener and stapler? Ridiculous!
And I umm always follow rules ? hmmm let me think
JR, as it relates to your son being fired….as a past manager of personnel, there was no cause for letting your son go. While this action could be contested with an arbitrator at the local Employment Office, even if you get a favorable judgement, it would not be worth going back to work there. The only positive results would be clearing a negative mark from his name in their records. But, who looks at Zaxby’s for a reference?
Me and my wife attended Shot Show this year and she gave notice that she would be out with me 4 mos in advance. There was a function at here place of work and on the Monday that she returned to work they fired her because lack of loyalty to the company. She had worked there 28 years to the day and had never had a infraction with the company, so i guess it doesn’t matter if your there one year or 28 companies don’t care
Stuff like that pisses me off Andy. It’s insane. It’s probably not worth it but in my sons case I will not let it go. The owners run a crappy organization and treat their employees like dirt. Maybe in a very legal and ethical manner I can inform the public as to their practices and provide them incentive to do better. Hmmmmmm…….
Interestingly through our network a attorney has informed us that there are discrimination laws in place for women over 40 and getting fired with out explanation, so we are in discussions at this time, not over for us either.
Good luck Andy. Would be interesting to hear what they state as a reason for termination. Assuming she files for unemployment the company must provide a reason for the termination and she will be able to see what that reason is.
Question is it a corporate store or franchise store? You might reach out to the corporate HR office for Zaxbyβs or the owner of that Zaxby’s franchise. I suspect the manager didn’t follow corporate procedure.Even as a franchise they’re required to follow certain guidelines to keep their franchise. Also your son may actually qualify for unemployment!!! 1-866-892-9297.
I will have an update on the situation in a couple days. It is a franchise store 3rdMan. Unemployment is not an option as full time work has to be being desired and my son is still a student. Appreciate the advice and I may utilize the corporate option at a minimum depending upon what happens over the next few days.
I considered telling the owner……
That was a good line.
Roger that!!!