From the Desk of John Rourke – – – > August 5th, 2024

Health Update: Recently I went to the hospital to have another drain put into the cyst in my spleen. While lying on the table ready to become a human pincushion, the doctor said that he was not very confident that he could get the drain into the fluid “sack.” He said there was so little fluid that it may be best to wait and see if additional fluid builds thus providing a larger target for the drain. I quickly stated I agreed and felt we should wait. No drain. YES!!!

Then the doctor said, “Well, since we have you here and we are all ready – I’ll just go ahead and stick a syringe in it and suck it empty.


Yup. Human pincushion.

He drove the sharp instrument deep into my midsection which generated an internal pain that compared to seeing Nancy Pelosi getting out of the shower and etching that image onto the surface of my eyes.

Yeah. It wasn’t pleasant.

He inserted the syringe 4-5 times and completed his task of evilness.

Now I’m back on antibiotics as the substance that was drawn out of the cyst proved to be a staph infection. Time will tell if the fluid builds once again or I can put this behind me.

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If it isn’t obvious we have been focusing a lot on property projects. The main reason for this is timing. Believe it or not Winter is coming and here in Maine any outdoor projects that we need to get done must be completed before the harsh reality of Winter slaps us across the face. Above is an image of a peach tree we planted behind the cabin. Peach tree’s are grown in Maine, although, they are not the easiest to grow successfully.

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Back in the olden days, these were called “Murses” – or Man Purses. Today these sling bags are an excellent way to carry a higher-capacity pistol along with a few extra magazines.  Nowadays with the threat of multiple threats, a revolver with 5-6 shots doesn’t quite have the same ability to instill confidence as it once did.

sling bag, slingbag, pistol, edc, carry, carry system, self defense


Another possible use of the sling bag is for home defense when something goes bump in the night at o’dark thirty.

I may order one and give it a try.

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I Am Legend, If you are out there, anyone, I have food, I have security, You are not alone, preparedness, shtf, prepare, prepared,

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stacking fire wood, homestead, woodstove,

Kass and I moved 4 racks we use for wood as we worked on cleaning up different areas of the property. This is a much better use of space and opened up space for more wood. While we had enough wood last season with plenty left over – we want to double our reserves as you just never know when a severe winter season will hit. We generally heat with propane, however, if we could not get resupplied it would be a problem.

homemade rack for firewood, budget friendly, DIY, firewood, prepare, winter, woodstove

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If you are unaware we have a survival & preparedness store here on this website. We carry a variety of unique and budget-friendly items and everything ships for free in the USA.

survival preparedness store, shtf, prepare, supplies, best deal, good deal, unique, prepper

Bringing this up in case we have some new visitors as well as mentioning to check back often as several new products will be added soon. I’ll let everyone know when they drop.

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Have a good week everyone!!





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