From the Desk of John Rourke – August 31st, 2024

Hello everyone. Hope everyone is having a great end of August. Here in Maine, the weather is beginning to cool – especially at night. We are dropping into the 50s while the daytime temps are reaching the mid-70s.

Kass and I have been working a ton outside on the property getting ready for Winter as well as the zombie apocalypse(only half-kidding).

I’ll post some pictures soon with more of our efforts.

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inflation, example, dollar, $20, economic collapse,

This meme provides and excellent example of inflation.

I remember when $20 was a lot of money and would buy a lot. Today? Not so much.

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Yeah – I used have a motorcycle years ago. The photo above shows the exact model I had. This is an 82′ Honda Sabre V45 750. Great bike.

Now? I’d love to have a bike but in the risk versus reward spectrum I find myself on the lower risk end. I figured I’ll enjoy plenty of risk once the zombies start roaming the streets.

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I have not been doing much shooting over the past few months. Although we live in the woods of Maine I am conscious of neighbors hearing us shooting a lot. I did get out of one of our latest acquisitions in the Bear Creek Arsenal BC-15. I was sighting it in and firing a few rounds. I got it on paper and moved on to the next task on my list.

I need to get back to the Bear Creek and do some more shooting.

The photo above is one of my trips to my brother’s place in Georgia a few years ago. Good times!

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I’ve said very little about the troubles in the Middle East. Here’s what I’ll say: I just want people to stop killing each other.

The complexities of the situation goes beyond that which I have the time to research all aspects to come to a definitive conclusion.

I just want people to stop killing each other.

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I’ve put out two game cameras over the past few weeks and have two more. I stabbed two used models off eBay for about $25 each.

game camera, trail camera, game cam, trail cam, hunting, preparedness, property, monitoring,

$25 is a bargain. Add an SD card and some batteries and good to go. I am putting them out around the property to cover as much area as possible and see where creatures are moving.

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Have a great weekend everyone!



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