From the Desk of John Rourke 06/15/20

First off, I hope everyone is staying safe and well. These are incredible times we are experiencing and the future is incredibly uncertain. It is very easy to get swept up in all the negativity while watching the news, feel fear – and wallow in all causing severe anxiety. While facing problems and issues head-on is always a good idea, stop and take a look around. There are lots of beautiful and wonderful things in this world to enjoy while at the same time paying attention and preparing for the future.

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Is anyone stepping up their preps based on…well, everything that has been happening in 2020? I can’t fathom this not being a HUGE wakeup call for those on the fence about preparedness and for those of us that are preparedness like-minded, stepping it up should be occurring.

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There are a lot of reasons to not like Facebook. The reality is there is not another social media platform that has the same reach. Well, there will NEVER be another platform – especially one that celebrates freedom of speech – if we do not make the move and open an account when one comes around.
MeWe is such a platform. It is a high quality, non-censoring, and privacy-loving platform. They don’t sell your information nor do they track or allow other companies to track everything you do like Facebook does.
Follow me over there:
Come on – do it!!
I’ll be starting a Survival & Preparedness Group there as well.
MeWe, logo, preparedness, freedom, Patriot, SHTF, prepper
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Consider if the grid went down tomorrow morning at 9:00am. How much do you know? How much do you wish you had done? Information is incredibly important. I’ve written at length about digital preparedness libraries and for myself – I’m stepping up my game. I recently picked up a 4TB hard drive and I’m backing up my backups. I’m searching for more books and magazines and guides to download. I’ve started downloading YouTube videos that could be useful later. Grid down doesn’t mean digital free. Solar is cheaper than ever and with modern technology accessing this information is simple and easy.
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A little 2020 humor……


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