Freedom – A Matter of Perspective?

It’s hard not to turn on the TV and not see or hear some politician or media pundit talk about “freedom.” Statements are made that we need to “keep” our freedoms, “celebrate” our freedoms, “fight” for our freedoms, and even “ban” some freedoms.

While certainly freedom could be looked at a variety of different ways and many could argue freedom is a matter of perspective – I think it’s really rather simple.

Here are a few thoughts:

Back in the year 1900, citizens were free to:

  • Collect rainwater
  • Hunt
  • Fish
  • Garden
  • Keep chickens
  • Have a permit to open a business
  • Own a firearm
  • Cut hair
  • Sell food
  • Protest
  • Say what they want

I was raised under the belief that the United States was the epitome of freedom. Even in early adulthood, the United States of America was a shining beacon of freedom for the rest of the world to aspire to. I’ve now come to realize we are but a slight shell of what we once were, and what the Founders intended.

Hell – we don’t even own the house and land on which we live. We lease from the government as property taxes must be paid.

Take care all –



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