It’s hard not to turn on the TV and not see or hear some politician or media pundit talk about “freedom.” Statements are made that we need to “keep” our freedoms, “celebrate” our freedoms, “fight” for our freedoms, and even “ban” some freedoms.
While certainly freedom could be looked at a variety of different ways and many could argue freedom is a matter of perspective – I think it’s really rather simple.
Here are a few thoughts:
Back in the year 1900, citizens were free to:
- Collect rainwater
- Hunt
- Fish
- Garden
- Keep chickens
- Have a permit to open a business
- Own a firearm
- Cut hair
- Sell food
- Protest
- Say what they want
I was raised under the belief that the United States was the epitome of freedom. Even in early adulthood, the United States of America was a shining beacon of freedom for the rest of the world to aspire to. I’ve now come to realize we are but a slight shell of what we once were, and what the Founders intended.
Hell – we don’t even own the house and land on which we live. We lease from the government as property taxes must be paid.
Take care all –
Something that always irks me is when politicians constantly talk about our “democracy”. I just want to scream at them We have a democratic republic! Or at least we used to.
John, you are absolutely correct,
I hate it when someone in the media or government say we have a Democracy. The ancient Greeks had a Democracy. The United States has a Constitutional Representative Republic. A true Democracy is mob rule, much like what we see with the democrats and their street riots. That is Democracy in action.
Agree 3rdMan. I cringe every time. All reality is most people don’t know the different and it’s largely semantics and identify the “democracy” with freedom. With that said I try to overlook the error. Similar to clips versus magazines. Valid point though.
no more property taxes to pay after this year after age 65 in our state. everything has been paid for for years now. i was able to break our garden (3 acres ) last weekend and I got our potatoes planted. the garden starts in earnest next month here in the deep so..
this is my idea of freedom, retired with no place to go and all day to get there and not beholding to anyone. it was not easy, and didn’t happen overnight.. i have the scars and bad joints to prove it. and it’s always something to repair or improve around here, no rest for the weary as they say but it is achievable.
good luck to everyone and keep going, freedom is yours if you work hard enough and with a little luck you’ll make it if you try.
Collect rainwater- check
Hunt – check- yes after 65
Fish – check- yes after 65
Garden- check
Keep chickens- check
Have a permit to open a business – nope, the tax man and the governor need theirs.
Own a firearm – check, constitutional carry and stand your ground laws here. FAFO.
Cut hair – my wife cuts mine but if you have ever been a victim of a bad haircut,,, i’m good with them having to be licensed.
Sell food – check as long as you are not inside any city limits. lots of truck farmers peddle their goods on the sides of the road here.
Protest – check. IF you can back it up. the left try it every once in a while and it seldom ends well or lasts long for the few of them that do show up.
Say what they want- check. again, IF you can back it up. but it’s a very genteel society here. everyone gets along, troublemakers are shown the door. the Klan and skinheads have been gone since the early 80’s, they moved north or west i think.
people here in the deep so. have very strong moral values. you can’t go a mile in any direction without passing a church.
our governor Tate Reeves has been a true blessing to us. but we also have Benny Thompson here soooo.
it’s not heaven but we can see it from here!
Thanks for sharing Geezer. Great stuff.
everyone should watch this act of government over reach and what we could expect from them. people soon forget acts like this against us and what happened at Ruby Ridge.
LaVoy Finicum was murdered in cold blood. how the women and children in the truck were not killed is a miracle.
the hand of God was over them.
i knew LaVoy, I met him at Bunkerville when the call went out from there.
he was a good man. he was executed without trial.
Geezer – thanks for sharing. I remember when when he was killed. So unfortunate and preventable.