I’ve been guilty of emphasizing guns and ammunition when it comes to preps over food and other critical supplies. As we travel down this path into the future and face challenges that right now we struggle to comprehend. The keyword looking down that path that comes to mind is “independence”.
The ability to NOT rely on the government or governmental systems is critical so as not to bow down to their policies and commands. The ability to nourish one’s self is a huge step towards self-reliance and independence.
Food storage is the first step towards self-reliance. While any food storage program will involve a supply level that will eventually run out, it buys valuable time to compensate for the inability to utilize normal, everyday services such as grocery stores. That “time” that we are buying must entail gardening, growing, and animal husbandry. At a minimum providing the majority of nourishment for oneself at least diminishes the dependence on normal supply streams. That is a good thing.
This has likely been an extremely long way of saying food and calories are important. Right now you can grab 25 pounds of rice for somewhere south of $15. That’s cheap. At about 1,600 calories per pound, 25 pounds would equate to 40,000 calories. From a macro perspective that’s 20 days of calories at 2,000 per day. Think about that – 20 days for less than $15. Of course, eating nothing but rice would not be a very good existence.
Here’s the bottom line – stock up on food. Lots and lots of food. Guns and ammo and all the other cool stuff are important but having all that while you starve would absolutely suck.
Stack it to the rafters and then some.
Exc. advice Rourke which we have been following for many years. Water also is essential. Arlene
Well of course, you can’t keep what you can’t defend. Garden, food, water whatever. Defense measures have a place.
Food is a thing too … The thing I think will amaze people, unlike books it won’t be constant conflict. Mostly boredom and work. C*D has shown me that. If there were a danger it would becoming complacent, so you are not ready when you DO need a defense. People in groups are stupid and mean. Desperate people are scared and mean. What would you do if your kids were hurt or hungry? (and those are the GOOD people). It gets worse from there from folks predisposed to bad behavior.
We stockpile, we rotate and we learn how to grow fresh produce, and critters. We learn how to preserve and store those foods.
Don’t forget the medical elements.. Or making good water.
It’s just insurance and a way of life.. Farming and Homesteading is something to pursue if you have the ability.
Merry Christmas everyone.
We may need all this, but not today and probably not before we celebrate the birth of our lord.
And you can’t stress enough that, with no gardening experience, you can’t just walk out in the yard and grow enough food to feed your family. I did a wonderful experiment this year with raised beds, and I consider it a success in showing me what did work and what was a complete failure, but if I was actually dependent on that garden I would’ve starved to death months ago!
food storage like this will tide you over for as long your supplies last. but there is a bottom to every well.
gardens and some kind of self sufficiency is key to long term survival. an event could happen for a few days or forever. never know
a years worth’s of food and a good source of water will get you through a winter until spring to plant, but just remember that just because you plant it, that does not mean it will make a crop, and you will be looking to the fall to harvest. and the weather has a lot to say about that. don’t count on it. a hail storm will destroy a garden.
me i would put back 3 yrs of canned and dried foods to be in the safe side.
i have been farming for years and i can tell you that their are good years and bad years. food and supplies are good insurance. hope ya don’t need it, but.
plan accordingly and good luck
Old prepper- I agree- well said. I am also a very old seasoned farmer and prepper. Arlene
An army fights on it’s stomach.