Well, today’s the day. For better or for worse we are at what history may show to be a turning point for our country. I often am jealous of those who pay no attention to politics and just live their life. I’ve tried and unlike many, I simply cannot disconnect the relationship between preparedness and politics. Regardless – dwelling on something that we largely have no control over is unhealthy and just not a good use of time. Balance, right?

2020 has been a helluva year and not only is it not over but who knows what will happen in 2021? If Trump wins I certainly hope those of us who took a break from prepping realized that was a mistake and don’t’ allow that happen again. Regardless of who the President is “stuff” happens. We all need to realize that there is something that guides us and drives us into a preparedness lifestyle. That inner voice we hear telling us to get ready shouldn’t change based on politics – unless of course activity within politics creates a risk assessment that dictates such a change.

Beans, Bullets, and Band-Aids. Stay the course.

For tonight I’m going to stream some election coverage while sitting in my camper, throw back a few beverages, and enjoy some Chinese take-out.

It’s going to be interesting.

Be safe everyone!




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