The American Patriot….. DON’T MESS WITH US!!!! We believe in the Constitution. We respect what the Founding Fathers started and the sacrifices they made. We believe this country is great and has stood for freedom and independence for years.
We believe that evil….evil men….have gained power and created generations of dependent sheeple who haven’t a clue as to what is really going on. These are career politicians.
We believe that fundamental change is NOT what this country has needed….we were great to start with. We need to return to that which the Founders intended.
We believe in smaller government and bigger freedom and choices for all.
We believe that common sense should prevail within a government of representatives of the people rather than special interests and self-preservation ruling the day.
We believe in LEGAL immigration and a controlled border. We believe that we need to take care of ourselves here at home first AND then, only then….provide aid to our neighbors around the world.
Lastly….we believe that if you mess with THESE United States of America we will unleash a wrath of such violence and destruction that just the thought of challenging the United States will cause chills to travel down spines around the world.
Let’s here it Patriots!!!!!
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i took an oath – many years ago (1966)
no has released me from that oath ….
Nicely said Rourke…you hit the bullseye!
I too took an oath. Stand by it today and I will not falter.
AMEN – right on JR🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
– Keep Looking UP
Keebler here;
I too took my 1963 It Still stands today & till i am gone from this world.Protect & Defend.
God bless America.
Hear, hear!
However, it comes:
I took the Oath in 1981. I’ve always lived by the idea that I would like peace and goodwill for all mankind but, until that happens, I’ll take the machine gun thanks.
Good words
Freedom is not free. It will not be done by the republic we have today. It will take ACTIONS to bring those words about. Voting .. yes.. Convention of States.. Yes.. Term limits .. absolutely. Then what ? Short of armed insurrection, we can wait for the failing system to fail and then try and mop it up and do it then. The longer we wait to change it, the more painful it will be, because you have to reverse more in the minds of kids and young adults who have been trained by state owned media and schools that the NWO is right, and the Founding documents wrong. That we must respect Every other group’s beliefs except Christians, and those can be persecuted without cause. Than we should bow to the UN .. That we should allow our labors to be given to those who are not citizens and have not contributed or will not contribute. That an uninformed vote, an illegal vote, and even a dead vote carries the same weight as yours and mine. “We have given you a Republic, if you can keep it”. We talk about making it Great… Recent events have made us timid. An old jewish guy I really enjoyed knowing had a saying. “Wada Ya want for Nuthin, ya money back ?” … So whatcha wanna do ?
Yes someone left the gate open today and I got out.. sorry
Well said!
48 years has not changed my commitment to my original oath. In fact, it may be stronger and more focused. Thanks to JR and everyone else here! I needed a bit of a boost today in the face of all this silliness. ~ GTACSVet
GG58 … my wife doesn’t know I’m loose today. Good words!
That gate needs left open more! You all give strength/steadfastness to me…AND possibly more than will stand and be counted. You all are WAY out of my league, but i am learning, thanks.
GG58-yes, more painful the longer it waits. BUT, the evidence will be even clearer then, that the PTB have hijacked the American life and that it made a BIG mistake. With a mistake this large you either change and learn from it, OR you crash and burn. Sadly, those who crash and burn will make it hard for the rest. So many details play into how it all plays out…i know there could be a boat load of unexpecteds that will affect….like life, sometimes the unexpected turn of events make our realities different than one could ever plan for or conceive…stay flexible, like Gumby.
Solid and incredibility patriotic. {{{{{Salute}}}}}
I’m going to print this for sure and maybe even frame it.
Missed responding to your topic on hand to hand combat and knives the other day. Your picture reminded me of it. My everyday carry when I’m in the “field” will be tactical tomahawk and OKC fighting knife. Both of which can been worn on my side, there when I need a moment’s notice, and will not be in the way.
Another factor in maintaining balance involves the element of time. As we peer into society’s future, we – you and I, and our government – must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering for, for our own ease and convenience, the precious resources of tomorrow. We cannot mortgage the material assets of our grandchildren without asking the loss also of their political and spiritual heritage. We want democracy to survive for all generations to come, not to become the insolvent phantom of tomorrow.
This is from Dwight Eisenhower’s farewell address, January 17, 1961
JR, right on the mark. bingville and Keebler, same oath, 1965, and it still stands.
Same here. Took the oath in 1966 and will continue to honor it. I guess the older I get and more I see going on, the more I value that oath.
Well said…