Spent some time outdoors this past weekend working in the garden and yard. Really want to enjoy the outdoors a lot more this summer. Kayaking, hiking, backpacking, fishing, and exercising.
Have more to do in the garden. Last year I lost everything after a severe storm rolled through and flooded all the top soil out. I’ve divided the garden in half with raised beds on one side – and regular on the other. So far things are growing well. A combination of seeds and purchased transplants have been used and more need to be put in the ground. Recent rains have really helped. I water out of two rain barrels as much as possible.
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I’m surprised. A Washington Post poll shows that if the election was held today Trump would still win. With all the Fake News and the stumbling that his administration has been involved with, I figured it would not have worked out that way.
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Will there be a government shutdown this week? I would care less except for the politics involved in it. The MSM will use it to feed their agenda – regardless of what the truth is.
Trump wants funding for “the Wall” included in the next budget. Would love to see it.
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I mentioned the other day that there are often supplies that we fail to stock up on because although useful – they are just not fun and exciting. Books often sit in this category. There is one book in particular that I highly recommend is purchased due to its invaluable information. The Survival Medicine Handbook is in its third edition and contains 700 pages of lifesaving reference material. I’m going to do a separate write up on the book another time and until then if you do not own it consider investing the funds to get it. At just under $40.00 it is worth every penny.
There are many reasons why so many love their Kindle and Amazon Fire tablets. One huge advantage is you could literally go years without every buying a book to read as there are tons of free eBooks available.Β Don’t have a Kindle or Fire? No problem. There are apps that can be installed on most any cell phone or computer for free. No excuses!
Today’s Freebies
Practical Survival Guide: 13 Survival Books Set
The Horde Rises – prepper fiction
Pandemic Diary: Shelter In PlaceΒ – prepper fiction
Suburban Homestead – prepper fiction
NOTE: If you see a free preparedness eBook that you’re interested in get it now. Prices change often and there is no way to tell how long the book will remain free. Before purchasing aΒ free Kindle book on Amazon make certain the book is still free by making sure the price is $0.00. If it lists a price or says “read for free” or has a price for prime members the book is not free anymore.
Books! I love books! If I ever have to evacuate, my books will be the greatest personal loss to me. Develop a how-to library, then actually read the books you’ve acquired. Use them for bathroom reading if that’s your only “sit down” time. Flea markets and Goodwill or Salvation Army stores are great for finding helpful castoffs. I’ve found nursing textbooks, Red Cross and Boy Scout manuals, and old atlases for less than $1 each. One of my favorites is a step-by-step sewing guide from the 1920’s. The turn of the century was popular for all-inclusive “home encyclopedias” that combine preserving food, treating illnesses, raising animals, and fixing tools. Too many people seem to feel that old books are useless, but they’re frequently more educational than current how-to guides because they don’t rely on modern conveniences.
Ha! We just got a new copy of Bone’s and Amy’s new book ourselves. We are going through EMT training now. Great course that gives very in-depth understanding of anatomy/physiology but then severely limits your “scope of practice” during normal times. Makes sense but, what about times of emergency? Bone’s and Amy’s book fills in the gaps with good solid advice on equipment and procedures.
Great call JR,
Glad to see some serious gardening efforts going on. That is the most important aspect or certainly among the most important things you can do to be self reliant. Edible landscaping should be among the things to read about and begin to implement now during good times.
Gardens are very important but they are recognizable as food so they could be raided. My property has trees and shrubs that are some of the most nutritious vegetables known to man (leaves and roots) yet people would walk right past them none the wiser.
I’m forgetting my history here, but didn’t some of the European countries plant a lot of root vegetables way back when because they knew they’d still have a chance of harvesting food even after the armies marched through the fields? I don’t know how many potatoes might grow after being run over by today’s tanks, but it’s something that’s always in the back of my mind.
Garden almost in ..
I tripled size from last year… we’ll sell or can excess and what doesn’t goes to the critters. My goal is to see what it takes to produce enough to feed a family of 4.
I’ve found that the first year on new soil is not very productive.. but 2nd and third years after amending with manure, etc.. is MUCH more productive and easier to work than new soil.
Have 4 generations of Chickens in the pipeline now, two generations of ducks.. The first gen purchased the next gens hatched from the first and so on.. .. and getting them trained for free ranging. The Ducks finally discovered the pond and it was hilarious.. they looked absolutely retarded for about a half hour..
Have two generations of quail 1 yr, new hatch and 120 in the incubator..
Eggs coming out our ears and we will be taking some to farmers market as well as chicks and honey.. to see how that works out .. If it pays for feed it’d be good.
If it produces more .. we’ll find something to invest it in on the farm. (small.. but this first year it gave us about double $$ tax back from previous years when filed.. might as well not give it away if I don’t have to.). Different states different rules I know.
The rain catchers I put in last year have really helped for critter and garden watering ..
Then there is the bees.. lost a couple hives over winter.. but I still have a ton of honey .. if that sellls (cash of course), then I’ll let these ride and see next year.. Only been stung once this year .. and that was at my desk at work during swarm season.. probably come in on someone clothes and perfume.. and then come to see me .. I grabbed it and bang bang it got me twice.. on the neck.. I just didn’t expect a bee.. at my dang desk!! sigh!!!.. i suppose i’d look silly in my bee suit at my desk .. so I guess I’ll just suck it up.and take one for the team π
It’d be easier without a full time job, but it also would be less likely .. so we do what we can ..
have done other things and do .. but that is the spring outdoor stuff that keeps me busy and is under way ..