There are reports coming out of New York City that armed robbery has been changed from a felony to a misdemeanor. Like many headlines, there’s some truth to the story. New New York City DA Alvin Bragg has made some questionable decisions.
In this new “woke” society we find ourselves in has this “public servant” is no longer pursuing charges for crimes such as resisting arrest, prostitution, and trespassing. Yes – there are details that should be mentioned. He does not want to pursue those who conduct an armed robbery and steal less than $1,000 of money/merchandise from a business.
Similar policies are being enacted all over the country with an emphasis in large cities.
Folks – I know I’m preaching to the choir here but this insanity will make it more dangerous for those in those areas – and elsewhere. Criminals who are allowed to get away with their crimes and are not held to account may travel to YOUR area. They will move and go to other locations and if they continue to prey on others…..crime will continue to rise – everywhere.
I’ll continue to say it: Get out of the cities. Move to a remote location as possible and insulate yourselves as much as possible from the effects of government, society, and reliance on services. If it was easy everyone would do it. We continue to pursue this ourselves. For those who cannot, you do the best you can to be as independent as possible.
Take care all. We are living in crazy times.
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Thankfully I live in a conservative county in Florida.
Good point. Local politics is incredibly important. State as well. Look at what’s happening in Virginia right now. Positive change! Also look at areas of Texas turning blue. Ugh……
Many of us in Florida just got our asses kicked this morning with tornados. More than 50,000 FPL customers are without power. Thank God for my Solar power system. I was lucky that my home got missed by the twisters but my brother’s duplex just down the road and the mobile home park next to him look like it was bombed.
people who voted for the dem’s, should stay right where they are and reap what they sow.
please for God’s sake, don’t encourage that bunch to move. they will infect everything they come across. it’s happening now in Fla and TX.
thank God i live in what is considered the least desirable state in our union and we don’t discourage the notion in these times. it’s all good here, people just don’t know. and everyone here are on the same page as us, for now. we are known as the hospitality state, but only up to a point.
we don’t have a problem showing trouble makers the door if needed. believe that. EVERYONE here get’s along just fine, we are all like family.
and you know how family is, we may fuss among ourselves, but woe be unto those who try to butt into our business.
we ran the KKK and other hate groups out years ago. gone north i think. ain’t seen or heard of any of that mess here in 30 years now.
it ain’t heaven, but you can see it from here.
BTW i received the two IFAK’s i ordered and their great.
thank you sir
No time to do the crime? Maybe we will initiate “The Purge” once monthly. Get rid of all undesirables. Folks with the most guns and bullets will win! The cost to build new prisons has become astronomical to house crimes for misdemeanors. Property taxes will keep increasing to pay for fighting crimes and housing the derelicts of society. You bet were actively looking for a remote place to move to and enjoy what time we may have left. There used to be a blogger of a prepper website that packed his family up and all his belongings and moved to South America somewhere. Cost of living is cheaper he said and he was into bushcraft and homesteading. What guts!
The worse it gets out there, the quieter we need to be around others.. time for waking folks up is over.. with few exceptions. Make your plans.. go about your business and like fight club.. don’t talk about it.. unless you like the idea of being a target .. I don’t. I don’t use the “P” work anymore .. farming and homesteading is all I ever say. Of course I can SAY whatever I want BE whatever I want… I’d rather folks not think of me if they need stuff or get hungry. The fact that our largest financial centers have become criminal havens affects the rest of the worlds view of us and our dependability as well as that of our currency. Worry about that.
The guy you are thinking of is David The Good. You can buy his books on line. He is back in the US now because things went bad for him. I wonder if he still is glad to be back in this banana republic now?
Goinggray,youre Exactly correct.Looselips Sink whatreallygappened.c Stoptgecrimrs.o truth11.c,,,,,,,Gene Decode all helpful as is RE:corrupt judges-impeach and remove or vote for someone else.A.G.s sponsored by sorosclinecrowd-same thing.Meanwhile,sue them all for fraud,breach of contract,money laundering,whatever.Tort lawsuit against judge who let criminal go and civil tort lawsuit for damages afainst perp.Reparations for victims and their families from The Criminals.
We moved from the kali bay area sh*t hole 10 years ago to northern ID. Smartest thing we ever did. It hit home during the blm/antifa bs in 2020. Rumor had it they were coming across the WA border to our town. That night there was well over 200 locals out, armed to the teeth downtown, open carry. One group of misfits got disarmed of crowbars and such and was sent packing. The local police just drove around and did not bother anyone. People here are very protective of the community and culture and will not tolerate any nonesense, period. Woe to those who think they can do whatever the want without consequences, most of which would be permanent in nature. Get out of the blue hives while you can.