Gun Control Scenario

Ammunition Availability

Ammunition availability is improving. While far from normal things are getting better and that is HUGE. Here’s the deal – as things improve NOW is the time to take advantage of the decreasing prices and increase in supply.  What we know is every day that goes by is one day closer to the next shortage – or ban. I am not talking just for ammunition but for firearms and magazines as well.

So – if you’ve been waiting for the market to improve to make a purchase it absolutely is a good idea to go ahead and make some purchases now. Now, do not make ALL your purchases now. No. Make some now then watch the market. Assuming prices drop more then go ahead and make more after the market improves. Drop more? Buy more. Prices rise? Hey – you made some purchases and improved your position.

Here are some of the best deals I’ve found so far:

Please remember that these were in stock at the time of publishing and may sell out quickly.

Keep your powder dry!!


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  1. JP in MT says:

    Beware: My sources are telling me things will improve over the next 90 days, however, base supplies are back ordered including raw materials. Powder shipments from Australia are limited to one container per ship and LA’s unloading facilities are operating at only 20% capacity. The government is currently replenishing their stocks from not having bought any for 18 months (and the government DOES NOT manufacture their own ammo, they contract it out using the same supply chain as everybody else. They just have priority). They are telling me that things will not return to “normal” for 2 years IF nothing else happens (and that is how likely?). I suggest, along will all the other stuff you need/may need, you take advantage of the “new low price/increased availability” if you need to/can afford to.

  2. Jimmy Garland says:

    “the government DOES NOT manufacture their own ammo”

    While correct in the fact they contract out the operation, they do own the plant where the majority of U.S. government ammo is produced, Lake City ammunition plant. Can their production needs affect the supply chain, yep. However, we are starting to see ammo on the market from Lake City, being identified as contract over runs, so not really concerned about it. The majority of ammo consumption in this country is still civilian not government.

  3. JP in MT says:


    Good article. I stand corrected on the ownership of the factory. I thought (and thought it foolish) that the government had sold the facility long ago.

  4. Jimmy Garland says:

    The crazy thing is they own twelve ammunition plants at one point, so only relying on one plant now for all the military needs is foolish on the .govs part!!!

  5. enn ess says:

    There are 4 retailers I generally buy my supplies/parts etc. from. My biggest issue is the scarcity of reloading supplies. Not only are powder, bullets, primers, and in certain calibers, cases not available, reloading dies are not available either. I’ve had reloading dies on backorder from Brownells since Jan 9th. When the lead time was 6-8 wks this is a bit much. Much of it is due to the covid nonsense and the outright crooks that finagled their way into the halls of power. Not that the last batch of crooks was any better. This insane fear of being afraid has been making everyone in the country stupider than they normally are. And all the lockdown & being paid to not work crap is one of the main driving forces behind the shortage of everything.

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