Affordable Survival: Rice

Rice is one of the best and most affordable food storage items you can have. It’s cheap, easy to find, and can last for years if stored properly. Rice is also very versatile—you can use it in a variety of meals, from breakfast to dinner. It provides essential calories and carbohydrates that give you energy, which is crucial in a survival situation. You can buy a large bag of rice for a low cost, and it can feed your family for a long time. Just make sure to store it in a cool, dry place in an airtight container to keep it fresh. I recommend packing in mylar with an oxygen absorber for the longest storage life.

In today’s hard economic times, rice is also a food that is very budget-friendly. Take a look at the graphic below. Rice is truly a solution for any budget.

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One of my favorite meals is beef stew poured over rice. Very affordable, tasty, and packed with nutrients.


The Survival Doctor's Complete Handbook(Digital Version)

What to Do When Help is NOT on the Way
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The Survival Doctor's Complete Handbook(Digital Version)
Product Details

The essential guide to take care of your family’s health when you can’t get medical help or answers right away.

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It's the worst snowstorm you can remember. The ice-covered streets are abandoned. You hear a boom in the distance, and your computer screen goes blank. Darkness. A crash and another bang from inside the house. In the hallway, your husband sits on the floor, soaked in blood. You dial 911, and all you get is a busy signal.

Would you know what to do next?

The Survival Doctor’s Complete Handbook will teach you just what you need to know to take care of yourself and your loved ones in the event you aren’t able to get professional medical help right away. Covers but going well beyond immediate first aid, the book covers:

How to put a dislocated joint back into place.

How to prevent hypothermia when your heat has gone out.

What to do for asthma when you don’t have your inhaler.

Whether you can really drink your own urine if you run out of water.

What to feed your toddler if he has a fever and you have no medicine.

.........and much more

Only $2.99 for the digital version. Fully printable and searchable.


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