From the Desk of John Rourke – November 7th, 2017


Another unfortunate event where evil shows itself and the innocent are killed. If there can be any positive that comes out of the Texas church shooting is that a “good guy” with a gun likely stopped the continued slaughter. This will be of no consequence to those who wish to reduce the right to keep and bear arms to nothing more than a historical footnote.

2nd amendment, gun rights, gun control,


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“The single biggest threat to man’s continued dominance on this planet is the virus.”

– – – Joshua Lederberg

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I’ve read several posts and comments around the net related to “bugging out” and “getting home”. One area that is often in debate is how far you can get in a day. Obviously, there are a lot of factors involved including fitness level, health level, shoes, terrain, threats, and of course distance. The average human can walk around 3-4 miles per hour. Simple math should equate how long it will take to get home, right? No – not really. Humans slow down dramatically when walking uphill and only slightly increase in speed when going downhill. That 3-4 mph is on flat even earth. Going across a field of grass with uneven mounds and a hole or divot here and there will drop that speed as well.

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Putting ketchup on scrambled eggs is a sign of communism. No. Don’t do it.

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I love the looks of this off-grid shower…..

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  1. Lightning says:

    President Trump mentioned the good guys that stopped the shooter because they had a
    gun ready !!! Winter is coming this week when it will be in the teens-brrrr. Lightning

  2. Gramma says:

    Well then, call me a ‘catsup commie’. At our home, we’re all about the reds. Salsa and red lettuce in bone broth simmered under our poached eggs.

    Starting the day with vegetables makes it easier to reach our goal of twelve servings of vegetables daily.

  3. SingleMom says:

    I’ve seen conversations about how far you can walk on other sites, and they tend to annoy me. There’s always someone who has to mock anyone who can’t move as quickly, but the 30-year-old weight lifter traveling along level roads is naturally going to make better time than the 70-year-old using a cane on steep hills.

    Each person has to calculate for themselves how fast they can move based on terrain, age, overall health, and the load they’re carrying. You won’t be in competition with anyone but yourself, and the goal is simply to get home in one piece.

    In my youth, the 8 miles to school was a 90-minute casual stroll over gently rolling hills. By 30, going that distance on steeper roads took 2 1/2 hours of effort with a 15-minute sit-down break. At this point in my life, carrying any kind of load, I’m planning on 1 mile an hour. The roads are up and down with very little level ground. I think I’d actually move at least twice that fast, but by planning for a longer walk I won’t push myself beyond what the circumstances allow. I’ll just keep reciting “The Tortoise and the Hare”!

  4. GotUR6 says:

    Very cool shower. I don’t know who built it but he has it severely under supported! Those 2x4s the two cross beams are sitting on are not strong enough for the weigh that 55 gallon barrel will contain. At 8.34 pounds per gallon that’s over 450 pounds if full. He needs a post somewhere under the cross beams to carry the weight down to the ground – and sooner than later the way the 2x4s are bending… just sayin’.

  5. goingray58 says:

    On the Texas thing..
    Dude was textbook antifa.. in life and personality.. per the law he should not have been able to buy the weapon as part of his discharge was considered equal to a felony. It was supposed to have been forwarded to civilian authorities and was not. Don’t need more laws.. we do need people who carry at church.. bunch of former navy/army guys at ours.. and it’s kinda country… we are pretty well covered..
    I do catchup, mustard and miracle whip on eggs .. usually 4 egg whites and one whole egg… so that makes me what ? not all at the same time BTW… (take your best shot)

    on walking…
    If you plan on more time than you need .. ur set..
    I suppose flat roads and in the open is certainly one way .. light and fast..
    If the conditions are not reasonable secure .. then stealth .. which is much slower..
    Additionally . traveling at night will keep you less seen, depending on how noisy you are. Jump up and down with your bag.. and see.. and learn how to fox walk.
    Suppose it is raining, and or cold .. or very hot. I also suspect that is you have to walk home there will be a very distracting emotional toll…
    Your mind is your best weapon

  6. Capt.Michaels says:

    Agreed GoingGrey58. It’s taken me a full day to re-gain my composure. I was so furios, I had to disconnect from everyone. Such an evil, evil, coward. I’m just so thankful and armed Texan(s) engaged him before he could kill more people.

    Arm yourselves. Carry wherever you go. Practice with your weapon, be ready..and don’t hesitate to strike immediately should such a threat arise.

  7. ralph k says:

    “Putting ketchup on scrambled eggs is a sign of communism. No. Don’t do it.”

    LOL! I frequently go to a very ‘foody’ restaurant and am friends with the chef. In spite of all that, use plain ole ketchup on some of his fare that is provided with other sauces for dipping and such. He just smiles and places the ketchup in front of me then laughs. Has nothing to do about political ideology. Comedy comes in many flavors.

    Concerning the above noted shower, I have recently been using for the past 4 months a portable on demand water heater/shower powered by propane, electronic ignition via 2 D cell batteries, connected to an outside hose bib ( can also be used with an electric pump 12v + with standing water supply ). Doing this because of a remodel going on and no access to conventional shower. That said, it has been a god send item. Eccotemp is the brand, almost flawless in use, cost ~ $115. Would recommend it heartily. Thought folks might like to know.

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