4th of July Special: Coupon Code – 17.76% Discount Off All Orders Over $17.76

Hope everyone has plans for a great 4th of July!!

I was just planning out my day and thought “Why not have a sale in the 1776 Survival & Preparedness Store?” So – through July 7th here’s the deal:

Coupon Code: 1776

Discount: 17.76%

Discount code will work on all orders over $17.76. (See what I did there?). 🇺🇸

Free Shipping on all orders and I’ve added a few new products recently.

Take care all –



Tactical Eyeglass/Sunglass Retainment Cord(2 Pack)

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Product Details

OK - maybe the term "tactical" is a bit of a stretch.

If you wear eyeglasses you know just how critical it is to NOT lose them. Action during sports and adventure can strike at anytime and suddenly the world is a blur. Wearing sunglasses? Keep 'em protecting your eyes with these comfortable eyeglass neck cords. Fully adjustable so the smallest cool kid to the biggest, baddest dude can use them.

Rubber connectors on the two ends easily slide onto the glasses, but hold them securely.

26" in length and fully adjustable.

Qty: 2 per pack

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