Sharing the video below I made a few days ago to provide an update on what’s happening in the garden. Still a lot of work to do. I’ve got a few more raised beds to put in as well as clear weeds and soil, lay down thick weed matting, and reinstalling wood raised beds.
I have a good feeling about the garden this year.
We’ll see.

Thanks for the update. I have National Pickling seedlings going here down south. Probably too late for them butt look forward to the challenge.
Hang in there brother, health problems complicate living a prepared lifestyle. Some years ago my wife needed a lung transplant to save her life. That changed our gane plans. Many years later she passed and that changed my plans as well. Now my own age and health issues are placing a burden on what I can do so yet agaon my plans have changed. Hang in there. Keep pulling on the rope as long as you can.
I hate it, but I rely on tech and machines so much more today than at any other time in my life. You have to learn to work TWICE as smart these days. Take care of yourself and do what the doctors tell you to do.
Bill in SC
Your garden’s looking good! I managed to transplant my tomato and sweet pepper seedlings this morning, along with some butterfly weed, but then the sun chased me inside.
Dandelion jelly is delicious! The tea is good for internal organs, but if you’re on prescription drugs you might want to check with your doctor before drinking too much of it. It’s also a good supplement to cranberry juice for anyone prone to UTI’s, but it’s not recommended for anyone with actual kidney disease.
Appreciate the information. I’ll check n that dandelion tea. There’s a ton of it popping up here.
Kass(MPG) worked her but off today starting at 7:00am mowing the grass a d working in the garden. I joined her, however, was not able to help nearly enough. I managed to get a few more buckets going of potatoes going and also get some peas and peppers in the soil.