VIDEO: Fighting Fires with SouthernPrepper1

YouTube favorite SouthernPrepper1 has a really good video series on firefighting. I rarely see preppers discuss firefighting. You can imagine that fending off potential marauders who may use fire as a weapon. You can check out the entire series HERE however below I have included a few below.

The use of inexpensive IBC containers combined with gas-operated pumps – on the back of a truck or trailer – makes for an excellent home firefighting system. Hooking up a similar system to a stationary 3,000+ gallon pool would be an option as well.

I’ve conducted regular fire extinguisher training with my kids. I light a fire in a firepit and have each person put it out while explaining how to use a fire extinguisher. It’s not much but the theory is giving them some hands-on experience now will make their ability to react in a real situation better. Should something happen it will not be the first time any of them used a fire extinguisher.

I’ll tell you right now as you read this if you do not have a fire extinguisher in your kitchen click HERE or go to the store NOW and get one. A kitchen fire can get out of control in a hurry.









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