Video: Dark Future- Uncovering the Great Reset’s TERRIFYING Next Phase

It’s important that the public becomes educated on The Great Reset and what the powerful and evil elite have planned. It was just a few years ago I thought the mention of a group of powerful people who guided much of what happens in the world was a nutty conspiracy theory. I was wrong. I admit it. I’ve reached a place in my awareness that I now know we have been lied to about pretty much everything for decades. Nothing – and I mean absolutely nothing surprises me anymore. Glenn Beck is one person who is at the forefront of speaking about The Great Reset and trying t educate the populace – and get them prepared. The video below is related to Glenn’s newest book – Dark Future – which is a long one coming in close to 1 hour and 20. minutes.

If you have the time take a gander and listen to what Glenn lays out. I find it logical and fact-based with some common sense thrown in.

We have some interesting times ahead and I’m understating it, to say the least. It’s important to connect yourself with God and have inner peace and we simply do not know when what will happen and when.

What are you seeing? What are you thinking?

Please send reports to my email at If you have inside reports and things to pass on I’ll gladly report it to everyone.

Thanks and take care all!!!


SHTF Gardening Growing Your Own Food/Homesteading Preparedness USB

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Gardening Growing Your Own Food Prepper Survival Preparedness USB


There are many reasons to have your own garden. Growing and eating vegetables that you grew from scratch by preparing soil, planting seeds, weeding, watering, and picking all yourself is incredibly rewarding. Money can be saved as seeds are much less expensive than the corresponding produce. Fresh produce harvested straight from the garden tastes better and is more nutritionally sound. Another benefit of having your own garden is you control what chemicals (or lack thereof) are used during the growing process.

For those preparing for a long-term survival situation gardening is a necessity. Regardless of how much food is stored away it will only last for so long and will eventually run out. Gardening is one of several ways to supplement a food storage program and provide vital sustenance.

This Survival Gardening "Growing Your Own Food" USB is packed with manuals, guides, and books on all things related to gardening.

- - - - TOPICS INCLUDED - - - -

Raised-Bed Gardening


Drip Irrigation


Square Foot Gardening

Fertilizing the Garden

Water Gardens


Gardening Hacks

Greenhouse Gardening

Plant Diseases

Herb Gardening

Tomato Gardening

Medicinal Gardening

Seed Saving

Container Gardening

Fruit Trees

.......and so much more!

Well over 1,000 books, guides, manuals, and files related to gardening, homesteading, and survival. This provides an invaluable resource which to provide food sustenance for family and friends in a crisis situation.

You will not receive a paper copy of the books!

You will receive a USB which is for computers and multimedia devices.

All books are fully printable in PDF format.

All books can be read on computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and other multimedia devices.

These books are NOT in paperback format. They are in digital PDF.

All files are fully printable.


Over 500 additional files related to survival & preparedness are included to assist you to prepare for uncertain times ahead.

All of this for a low price of $12.98 plus FREE SHIPPING!!


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