Video: Dark Future- Uncovering the Great Reset’s TERRIFYING Next Phase

It’s important that the public becomes educated on The Great Reset and what the powerful and evil elite have planned. It was just a few years ago I thought the mention of a group of powerful people who guided much of what happens in the world was a nutty conspiracy theory. I was wrong. I admit it. I’ve reached a place in my awareness that I now know we have been lied to about pretty much everything for decades. Nothing – and I mean absolutely nothing surprises me anymore. Glenn Beck is one person who is at the forefront of speaking about The Great Reset and trying t educate the populace – and get them prepared. The video below is related to Glenn’s newest book – Dark Future – which is a long one coming in close to 1 hour and 20. minutes.

If you have the time take a gander and listen to what Glenn lays out. I find it logical and fact-based with some common sense thrown in.

We have some interesting times ahead and I’m understating it, to say the least. It’s important to connect yourself with God and have inner peace and we simply do not know when what will happen and when.

What are you seeing? What are you thinking?

Please send reports to my email at If you have inside reports and things to pass on I’ll gladly report it to everyone.

Thanks and take care all!!!


OFFGRID Prepper's Mini-Pharmacy 2 PACK Survival, Preparedness, Prepper, SHTF, First Aid

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Product Details

OFFGRID Prepper's




How many times have you had a headache or maybe your back is sore - and you simply need some ibuprofen? Stuffy nose? Feeling like a cold is coming on? Heartburn? Intestinal issues? No meds?

This small and inexpensive kit solves that problem.

This small and portable kit is perfect to throw in a vehicle "just in case". They also are great to include in survival kits, bug-out bags, as well as hiking trips.

The high-quality components of this kit cover a variety of needs when the unfortunate occurs.


Each OFFGRID Prepper's Mini-Pharmacy will provide:

Aspirin(325mg) - 4 tablets

Ibuprofen(200mg) - 4 tablets

Antacid - 4 tablets

Cold Relief - 4 tablets

Antidiarrheal - 2 tablets

Antihistamine - 2 tablets

Black Rubber "Ranger Bands" - 2

High Quality, Durable Storage Tin - 1

Product is shipped within 48 hours of order - often sooner.

The United States Postal Service sucks - please be patient as tracking is provided but often fails to update in a timely manner.

Band-aids, burn gel, triple antibiotic, and more - and a really nice tin secured with a couple of ranger bands. Awesome.

Perfect to throw in a pack, glove box, survival kit - or desk drawer.

Great gift as well!!!

FREE SHIPPING and discounts when multiple items are purchased.


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