Video: Dark Future- Uncovering the Great Reset’s TERRIFYING Next Phase

It’s important that the public becomes educated on The Great Reset and what the powerful and evil elite have planned. It was just a few years ago I thought the mention of a group of powerful people who guided much of what happens in the world was a nutty conspiracy theory. I was wrong. I admit it. I’ve reached a place in my awareness that I now know we have been lied to about pretty much everything for decades. Nothing – and I mean absolutely nothing surprises me anymore. Glenn Beck is one person who is at the forefront of speaking about The Great Reset and trying t educate the populace – and get them prepared. The video below is related to Glenn’s newest book – Dark Future – which is a long one coming in close to 1 hour and 20. minutes.

If you have the time take a gander and listen to what Glenn lays out. I find it logical and fact-based with some common sense thrown in.

We have some interesting times ahead and I’m understating it, to say the least. It’s important to connect yourself with God and have inner peace and we simply do not know when what will happen and when.

What are you seeing? What are you thinking?

Please send reports to my email at If you have inside reports and things to pass on I’ll gladly report it to everyone.

Thanks and take care all!!!


How to Get Started in Preparedness - Guide to Prepare for the First 72 Hours and Beyond | Prepper | Survival | Emergency Binder | Printable

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Product Details

🎯 How to Get Started in Preparedness - Guide to Prepare for the First 72 Hours and Beyond 🎯

💥 This fully-printable digital guide provides an abundance of information that is especially useful for someone who has recently decided to get prepared. It also has many reminders for more experienced preppers to get them back on track.

✅ We spent countless hours putting this guide together. We covered everything from the psychology of preparedness, starting with the basics, building a 72-hour kit, special preparedness tips, a thorough list of emergency essentials, and a printable checklist to track and organize your supplies.

💪 Bonus Survival Manual included!!

🚨 Oh - there’s also a complete Emergency Survival Binder that will get you ready with all the valuable information you would need. ....Just In Case!

⚠️ Features of the Emergency Planner

📔 Contained within this preparedness guide is an extensive emergency planner, structured to help you organize vital information and monitor your preparedness efforts effectively. Below are some key sections included in this planner:

1. Emergency Contacts: A dedicated space to record the contact details of important individuals and services crucial during emergencies.

2. Checklists: Comprehensive checklists to aid in planning and tracking your inventory of essential supplies, covering areas such as:
- Food and water storage
- First aid and medical supplies
- Communication equipment
- Shelter and clothing materials
- and many more!

3. Evacuation Plans: A place to map out evacuation routes and establish designated meeting points for your family's safety.

4. Important Documents: A section dedicated to storing copies of critical documents, including identification, insurance policies, and medical records, in an organized and accessible manner.

5. Emergency Documents: Pages for compiling essential information, such as emergency contact numbers and medical conditions, for each family member.

6. Home Safety Procedures: Pages provided for recording guidelines for safety measures and procedures for your home and property to mitigate risks during emergencies, such as fire safety protocols and earthquake preparedness.

7. Communication Plan: Strategies for establishing effective communication plans to keep in touch with family members and receive updates during emergencies.

👍 And much more!

By leveraging the information and tools provided within this guide, you will be well-equipped to navigate and respond effectively to any emergencies or crises that may arise. Remember, preparation is key to ensuring the safety and well-being of yourself and your loved ones.

Stay safe, and stay prepared!

*****Important Note: We won't be sending anything physical to you. You'll need to download, print, and put things together yourself. The quality of your print might change based on the paper you use, the ink, and how you set up your printer. For the best results, think about printing PDFs at a copy shop or getting photo prints of JPEG images. If you're printing at home, using good quality paper and selecting the best print setting on your printer will give you the nicest outcome.
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