I’ve discussed a few times my personal choice for a firearm in bear country. In the following video, a bear continues to challenge a “hunter” in the woods over and over again getting closer each time. I’m thinking the hunter either gave the bear a treat – or fired one of his two shots out of his double barrel to finally take a stand.
I can tell you the hunter in the video has a helluva lot more patience than me. I would have pulled the trigger far sooner.
Glock 20 in 10mm.
#badass #10mm
Kimber 1911 Camp 10 – 10mm.
My Ruger Blackhawk in 45LC with handloads.
But, if I know there are there: Marlin Guide Gun w/ Buffalo Bore 500 gr FMJ 45-70+ loads.
Bella Twin, the .22 Used to Take the 1953 World Record Grizzly, and More this a very good read.
One thing to remember for all the pistoleers out there, you should stick to either FMJ ammo or hardened copper or lead bullets. Penetration is what you seek in this encounter, none of the expanding bullet nonsense. Standard ball ammo. It works. Of course shotgun slugs or .45-70 will serve you well also. And if you’re running a double barrel shotgun like in the video, better have extra rounds and the presence of mind to be able to reload quickly under duress. Life has a way of throwing curveballs at you at the most inopportune times.