I mentioned a week or so ago that I received a delivery of some magazines I ordered. Sleepy Joe and his cronies continue to push for more gun control and with the help of RHINO’s having some success. Figured another shipment was in order.
There are some pretty good deals still to be had out there.
As this new “normal” – which is anything but normal – continues to develop putting back tangibles just makes sense. Food, ammunition, solar generators, medical supplies, and of course magazines make sense. I doubt anything will be getting cheaper anytime soon so purchasing now saves money later.
What are you putting back?
Lol! I love it when the Happy Brown Truck comes to my home too… It’s just like Christmas at any moment of the year. Mags and solar stuff recent additions here.
I whole heartedly agree with you that you can never have too many Magz. In battle is there truly such a thing as a “Spare” magazine?
I found a good deal at Palmetto State Armory dot com (their Daily Deal). You get a Bolt Carrier Group + 10 – 30 round Pmags for $129.99
BCG’s usually run around $79 each (and its good to have spares for your AR) which would make each Mag around $5+ each. Not a bad deal.
Just my 2 1/2 cents worth,
Hey Rourke-
I am continuing to stock up on food- ( hash ,beans, tuna, chicken -human and animal – .( dry, canned and treats)
Electroverse.com weather inf. just shared that the cherry crop in Wash. is very late and reduced due to severe frosts and cold. So if you iike cherries and cherry products stock it up.
Corn and wheat are also being affected so stock up accordingly.
I checked and I need to restock batteries and flashlights when $ allow. Arlene
Thanks Arlene. Good logical steps to take.