The No BS Survival Plan

I’ve mentioned before that I was writing a book called, “The No BS Survival Plan“. Why that title? With so many nonfiction preparedness books that have pages are filled with fluff I wanted to produce something different. This “fluff” is used to increase word count for publishers and make the content look more valuable within an Amazon description. The book I’m working on is to the point with my own recommendations taking logical, commonsense steps to be prepared for the challenges that await just around the corner.

survival plan, book, SHTF, prepper, preparedness

In this overly opinionated world where everyone HAS to be right and make themselves feel better by putting others down, The No BS Survival Plan offers a simple step-by-step systematic approach with an emphasis not only on effectiveness but also budget. Most of us cannot just spend our way into readiness, right?

As this project is still under development I’d like to hear from each of you. What would you look for in a book such as this? Please comment below.

Take care folks. Things continue to look crazier and crazier!



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