I previously published this a few years ago and with new people visiting the site thought it would be a good idea to bring it back around. – Rourke
I’ve had some older folks suggest that they are useless should the SHTF. They talk about their bad knees, inability to run, or other physical limitations. Others will say they are just not “tactical” enough and don’t have an aggressive mindset. It’s disappointing to hear talk like this and the display of such defeatist perspectives.
We all have value. We all can contribute. The fact is we also all have limitations and some of those limitations can be determinantal. While certainly there are cases in which weakness can be changed the reality is we are who we are. For preppers, those weaknesses must be identified and dealt with.
Example:  Your group has 12 members. Two are over 70 years old. Three of the others are obese and have physical limitations when it comes to exerting themselves. One member is a Crossfit athlete. The rest are ordinary people in average shape. The decision on sending a patrol out 3-5 miles from the property to watch for traffic on a popular rural road and report back their observations would have to take physical limitations – as well as mental ones – into consideration.
Example: The group arrives at the retreat. The retreat arrival checklist is pulled out and responsibilities are divided. Responsibilities and tasks revolving around food prep, cooking, sanitation, logistics/inventory control, security, water/water filtration, etc. are all critical to the success of the group. The Crossfit athlete has a serious reading/writing problem, and one of the 70-year-olds worked for the Post Office in logistics. Strengths and weakness must be considered.
Example: Over the last three days the perimeter of the property has been tested by someone on a motorcycle. It is apparent they are testing the waters to see how the group is reacting and to gather intelligence. Two of the group members are ex-military and suggest an attack is imminent. A defensive plan specifically geared towards this known threat must be implemented. One of the 70+-year-olds fought in Vietnam. The other member was in the first Gulf War. The tactical experience and knowledge level must be considered for all members as a plan is devised.
It would be great if we could all be John J. Rambo with advanced medical degrees. That is just not realistic. Having the ability to not take offense is also important. There’s no room for egos when it comes to survival.
Assessing skills and making decisions that are in the best interest of the group is critical. Everyone needs to be on the same page and the entire topic should be discussed well before the “bug out” takes place.
Lastly – if you realize you have weaknesses consider making changes to eliminate them. Certainly, some are unavoidable. Having limitations due to being overweight can be improved. If your cardio just plain sucks and you could not walk 6 miles if your life depended on it then get out there and start walking. Even small improvements over time will add up.
Take care all –Â
Even the military has non combatants.
There’s no room for egos when it comes to survival.
Nailed it.
Had a psychology class a long time ago. The instructor asked everyone what instrument you would play in a band. Two of us said bass. The instructor said bass were people who kept things going, the goal oriented people.
Don’t know if that was more than his opinion, but it stuck with me.
Reference the photo.If you walk the trail you’ll die on the trail.
it is just so funny to me how people are so fearful of the roving bands of motorcycle groups. don’t watch so much TV. has anyone ever thought about just how easy it would be to take out someone in a bike. take the one out in front and watch the rest pile up on top of em. they will come in cars, trucks or on foot when they come. most likely on foot.
I’m 76 and in need of a major overhaul. I have an older hound who needs exercise. He’s getting rather rotund. So in the interest of keeping him in shape, I told him today he had to start walking with me on a program. Hopefully we will both benefit from it.