State of emergencies have been declared in both Georgia and Alabama due to a main fuel supply line leaked an estimated 250,000 gallons on September 9th. Due to the leak the line has been closed and is under repair. It is estimated the fuel supply will begin flowing again sometime next week.
AAA is reporting that parts of North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Mississippi will experience some level of shortage and price increase. The overall impact SHOULD be minor in significance as alternate supply sources are being moved into the affected areas.
If you live in the southeast it doesn’t look like there is a need to panic however there is no better time to top off your tank than now. Situations like this remind us having extra fuel put back is a good idea.

Gotta love a quick price gouge
No doubt the cost to consumers will be significantly more than the severity of the situation.
Pri-G looked like the best way to preserve gasoline from the research I did several months ago. (and Pri-D for diesel)
You are correct – Pri-G is a high performance additive. Stabil is an option however I prefer Pri-G.
I use a product called Seafoam. Seems to work good for me. I use it for my small engines, my diesel and my automotive gas.
The station at Wally World last night was pandemonium. I was wondering if there was a game in town (Clemson) for the weekend. Got home from my foray at the “big box” and heard on the news about the break. Later had to make a run to Ingles around 8 pm. and while there filled up the car. Gas at 1.89 and no lines nor any other cars at the pumps. May be much todo about nothing. I’ll check it out today and top off the truck and if the price hasn’t jumped, I’ll fill the gas cans that I’ve emptied doing yard work. Don’t think we’ll see to much of an impact here.
Natural gas or gasoline? Coming into the final stretch of the election, there is no shortage of the former.
Mentioned it before but I have a 1000 gallon bulk gasoline tank. I fill it with cheap winter gas and treat with Pri G. Use it when gasoline prices spike but never below 500 gallons. Even with smaller 300 gallon tanks many should realize a financial advantage.
By just dumb luck I fueled up my VW TDI Sportwagen yesterday. Good for another 650 miles now. Yes, guys you need to go out and buy a VW TDI quick before they are all gone. They won’t be making them anymore. The local dealer has at least 50 of them in his back lot waiting for permission to sell them after all the fines and solutions are settled. I’ve asked him to call me when the sale begins. I want at least one spare daily driver and I also want one just for the engine which I will transplant into my ’87 VW Vanagon syncro with 4 wheel drive and locking rear diff. 😉
Welcome to life as I know it in Michigan. Every time we turn around the price of gas has gone up. One time it was a broken supply line in SW Michigan, another time it was a broken line near the border, the most recent was because the depot over by Lake Michigan had no reserves. The excuses go on and on. The country doesn’t have to invade any 3rd world countries or start any turmoil in the middle East, the crappy infrastructure and greediness of the local gas companies here in Michigan are all you need.
Have already seen prices go up in central Alabama.
I live near Rocky Mount, Virginia. Our Sheetz and Murphy (Walmart) gas stations are out of gas! Several hours ago there was cars lined up 10 deep at Kroger Fuel. Crazy! Hope they adjust fuel shipments soon!
V Church…In Michigan they don’t even bother with “adjusting” anything. They just let things run their course and let the chips fall where they may. With that said, I’ve only seen the stations out of gas once in the years that I’ve lived here.
Did a a little camping with friends this past weekend .. was in NC .. As I live in TN I was a little concerned about the news.. When I left Saturday afternoon/evening .. coming out of Ashville there was Zero gas available on the major roads… It got progressively more available as I neared Nashville though it was busy and half the places had either no gas or only high octane, but the prices had gone up 20-40 cents for Lower octane fuels.. By the time I neared the other end of the state it was available in all grades and business was not all that brisk .. Prices were only up about 10 cents.. The governor of TN enacted Price gouging regs and waived Trucker requirements for travel … but did not declare a state of emergency .. seems to have helped on the hysteria.. and over purchasing..
Here in upstate NY the cheapest gas is $2.21 a gallon -w/o any shortage.
You are correct Going Gray 58 -if a shortage is mentioned everyone buying extra will create a crises and a worse shortage-just shows though how wise and important it is to be prepared. Lightning
Lightning/Goingray58…..your comments brought to mind the seriousness of our “on demand/just in time” (sometimes) delivery system of goods in our country. The lack of computers, power and/or fuel will make that inoperable with the hint of a shortage of ANYTHING kicking off an unstoppable panic instigated crisis. YES!!! The wisdom/importance of being prepared will be a HUGE asset in not being at the wrong place at the wrong time.