SHTF, WW3, the Zombie Apocalypse, TEOTWAWKI, The Coming Struggle

Over the years people have referred to the end of the world in many different ways. I like to refer to what we may face as the Zombie Apocalypse. It’s kind of a funny way to talk about a serious topic. I find that for those who I wish to engage in the topic of preparedness and are not preppers respond well to a little zombie talk.

A few years ago I started using the term “American Reformation” to refer to a potential economic collapse combined with civil conflict between economic and political classes. Yeah, it was a bit too complicated and probably specific. I get an A for effort, right? As the years have gone by and things have become so unpredictable terms such as The Event and The Coming Struggle have started to be used.

I like – – “The Coming Struggle.” I think that sums up whatever may happen.

The vast majority of us are struggling in one way or twelve. I know many people who simply cannot survive on what they make. In order to make it they have to live with friends, and family, or even take in perfect strangers as roommates. While the stock market soars to new records, the majority of Americans are seeing their purchasing power get less and less.

Now, throw in the global threats to supply chains, possible world war, and a corrupt government that continues to divide the citizenship to the point of civil war.

The Coming Struggle.

Yeah – makes sense to me.

Over the coming weeks, we will be editing and publishing some past articles and redirecting them towards preparing for… guessed it…….

the coming struggle, shtf, prepper, teotwawki, prepare, get ready,survival

Stay tuned folks…..



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