My favorite clip from the classic Red Dawn movie from 1984. The truck pulls into the store and the kids run in. They gather supplies they will need to survive before heading to the mountains in an effort to escape the Russians.
I’ve always thought about how I would want to be supplied ahead of time in case of an event such as this.
On with the scene……
Medical & First Aid Preparedness Information USB - Wilderness First Aid | Medical Preparedness | Survival Medicine
OFFGRID First Aid & Medical Preparedness Information USB

Behind the civility and the false comfort of civilization lies a dark, dreary world that awaits those who are unprepared. Once modern medical services are no longer available or rationed to the very few - even a simple scratch can mean infection and death.
Be ready.
This 16GB USB contains a massive amount of first aid, medical information, and tools to get you ready for when it all comes crashing down. All books, guides, manuals, and documents are fully printable.
Numerous informational and instructional videos are included as well.
Don't be like you're poor neighbors who believe everything will always be just fine. You know the truth. You will take responsibility for yourself and your family - and prepare.

Packed with first aid & medical information.......
Information covers everything from a simple cut to broken bones and worse.
Essential information for any survival & preparedness library.

Product is shipped within 48 hours of order - often sooner.
The United States Postal Service sucks - please be patient as tracking is provided but often fails to update in a timely manner.
First aid and medical information all collected on one USB to prepare you for when the SHTF and help are NOT on the way. Awesome.
When the grid is down, no medical services are available - information combined with your supplies will be more valuable than gold.
Great gift as well!!!
FREE SHIPPING and discounts when multiple items are purchased.

do not wait until something happens to get your supplies. get them NOW before it’s to late, and be ready. like JR said in previous articles, five cans a week will add up. I’ve always thought about it like having insurance.
they may not be available when a crisis hits, food and water, not to mention having to deal with the large crowds of scared, desperate people who waited until the last minute only to realize that they only had two days of food and water.– me, ill stay on the place for at least a month before venturing out, giving things time to calm down. i truly don’t need the outside world other than for our small community and conversation, that’s my plan.
take care all.