Pastor Joe Fox: It’s Coming – Get Ready!

In the following video, Pastor Joe Fox expresses his concern over illegal immigration and the threat from terrorist sleeper cells within the United States waiting to carry out “something.” Terror cells have long been discussed as a threat and as time has passed largely been downplayed. With the unbelievable numbers of military aged males from all over the world including countries that HATE America(that means you) there is little doubt that we have many thousands of bad actors here.

To what extent may events be carried out is certainly up for debate. What the Pastor suggests is very large and we have never seen anything like that before here in the States. It is possible. He references that his people are all “rolling heavy” and eludes to items you should have on hand while out and about. At a minimum I would suggest enhancing your personal protection.

Here are a few suggested steps in these dangerous times:

  • Stay away from large crowds and events that attract attention – football games, festivals, tourist spots
  • Be armed
  • Stay alert and do NOT become complacent.
  • Shopping and traveling in low population density areas is recommended.
  • Stay at home unless a NEED is there to go out.

Any other suggestions you may have as well as thoughts please share below.

Take care all –



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