I recently received an email from 3V Gear advertising their popular Paratus Bug Out Bag. I have one of these bags and it’s an extreme value at around $85. I also featured the Paratus in the survival kit series several weeks back. I have duplicated the email below for your benefit.
The Paratus 3-Day Operator’s Backpack is the original backpack that 3V Gear started with. When Dan, the owner of 3V Gear, wanted to build a bugout bag for he and his wife, he couldn’t find anything that wasn’t hundreds of dollars or very poor quality. He felt there should be a better answer and that was the birth of the Paratus and 3V Gear.
Over the years, the Paratus has been refined and updated. With thousands of bags sold, almost 1,000 5-star reviews, and countless professional reviews, the Paratus has become the go-to backpack for a bugout bag.