I trained in Filipino martial arts for over 12 years and this included stickfighting as well as knife fighting. I learned a lot. I gained a lot of confidence in my ability to handle things empty handed, with a stick, and with a knife. So – let me tell you what I will do if I somehow come across someone threatening me with a knife:
I will run faster than Joe Biden getting ready to sniff some little girl’s hair!!!
Knife fighting is no joke and forget everything you’ve seen in the movies where the “hero” takes the belt out of his pants and is able to entangle the opponent’s knife, disarms him, and then beats him to a bloody pulp. In real life, the “hero” ends up spilling liters of blood on the ground. His own blood.
No – the golden rule of knife fighting is to bring a gun to the knife fight. Period.
My 2 cents.
To quote Joshua…”the only way to win is to not play”. I worked years ago in a large inner city hospital smack dab in the middle of a ghetto. All the usual knife and gun club activities. I saw many more deaths from knives than firearms. One night had a 15yo kid come in with a steak knife buried up to the handle in his chest, every time his heart beat, the handle would move. Luckily the EMT’s didn’t attempt to remove it otherwise he would have bled to death. Went to the OR and was successfully treated & released about a week later.
JR, as you allude to, bring a gun to a knife fight ala Indiana Jones using his pistol on the crazed swordsman in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
If you have no way out, accept you will be cut! In a worse case where you can not get away. Use your non-carry forearm to block the knife while drawing your handgun and dispatching the threat. However, with good situational awareness you can avoid worrying about the first part, by aways having an escape route, but life happens and sometimes we have to go places that may restrict our options.
Situational Awareness is much more important now. Illegals crossing the borders with no money, jobs, or education. They will try to survive by any means necessary. Always Carry!
If one can view the video “Surviving Edged Weapons” and watch Master Inosanto (sp?) in a training session go up against armed police officers. It is an awesome visual of the dangers a knife attack.
I’m afraid a situation like that is a shoot first and ask questions later. If anyone pulls knife on me in any type of threatening way, his next stop will be the morgue. The judge will undoubtedly want to know why I shot him 12 times. I’ll have to tell him “because my pistol only holds 12 rounds.”
Sure, I have all types of knives. But they are nice to have toys. I carry them as tools to work with and as a last defense after my hand gun and dog.