We have entered unprecedented times the likes of which our parents and grandparents hoped we would never see.
Throughout this country’s history, great men have done great things and sacrificed to provide opportunities for all citizens to succeed – or fail – in their own lives – all in the name of freedom. Unfortunately, crooked politicians disguised as “leaders” have poisoned this country to benefit themselves, large corporations, and special interest groups who fund campaigns and the pockets of these tainted politicians. So many forces rose against the citizens of this country that it’s difficult to blame the American citizens themselves for falling victim to the propaganda and influence.
Several years ago the movie series Atlas Shrugged portrayed a futuristic time in which the government finds restrictive regulations and suffocative requirements to take over and influence private business to be beneficial for the betterment of the many. Capitalistic efforts were demonized as selfish and government would take possession and control others property for the good of the many. I remember thinking that the movie was decent but a bit far-fetched.
Here we are in 2024 with a political witch hunt that has a never-ending legal campaign against Donald Trump. Regardless if you like Trump or not this completely corrupt political agenda should be recognized as what it is….tyranny. Why is this political corruption so important? It’s important because IF there was any chance to get this country on the right track it would take it’s citizenship as well as political representatives to work together to find solutions. Yup – we know that will not happen. If anything division will continue to grow.
People are seeing rising prices at the grocery store while the news states that inflation has actually dropped. Yup. They know it’s completely BS. I’ve mentioned previously that I work in manufacturing. In my line of work, I deal with suppliers from a multitude of industries. Products they sell are made all over the world. I continue to see shortages resulting in longer ordering lead times as well as prices that continue to increase.
What’s taking me way too long to get to is there are a lot of people who are beginning to notice things just are messed up. Although many still have their heads in the sand, a lot of folks are asking questions such as…..
“When are things going to get back to normal?”
“What if they don’t get back to normal?”
“What if everything keeps going up in price? What am I going to do? How are we going to survive?”
If you find someone open to the concept of preparedness – talk to them. Offer guidance. Be supportive. It would be better to have them as an ally than a desperate friend who you look at as an enemy.
Anyone you know realizing what’s happening?
Take care all –
Well said JR. Expecting things to get better anytime soon would be a fool’s bet.
CaptTurbo – I’m feeling particularly philosophical today and I think the end of 2024 is going to look like a barrel full of monkeys trying to hump a door knob.
Thank you Mr Rourke,
living here in the very rural deep south, people were raised on self sufficiency due to their grand parents living through the depression and teaching their children. the grand children, now adults, some had fallen away from the old ways because it’s easier to just go to the store or fast food place and get what you need, i’m as guilty as anyone. but after 2020 i have noticed people in the stores they will look in our shopping cart and we will notice what they have, long term food, garden tools, seed, and we will give each other a knowing smile. i see a lot more people with gardens now than i did two yrs ago. we have always had one.
to get ammo in our area now, or canning goods you almost have to be in the store when they unload it off of the truck. people are awake here now after the plandemic.
we all knew it was BS, country folks may be simple, but we are not stupid. we seldom saw a mask. people still remember the old ways taught to them by their parents and grand parents. there are always the grasshoppers but for the most part i feel good about the folks in our area. it’s deep red and very rural country. i feel somewhat safe here. we have more cows, chickens and hogs in our county than people. 26K people in 560 sq miles.
i truly believe that the great awakening is not just happening here, it’s all across this country. i hope so.
best of luck to you and MPG on your homesteading projects this year!
Appreciate that Scout. Up here in the woods of Maine I’ve met so many people who live in the modern world and have modern convinces – but have roots in farming, hunting, gardening, and fishing. A lot of strong people like in the South. I also have heard comments from people I know as well as strangers in line at the local butcher that “these times” are crazy and what’s over the horizon isn’t going to be better.
I think that the majority are affected by normalcy bias.In their world
everything will be OK because it has always been OK.We’ve always had
plenty of everything.Right? Why would that change? Things will always
be normal.Right?
It’s like the monster that lives under the bed.If we just ignore him he will
go away and not hurt us.They are terrified that if they make any preparation
it would acknowledge that something evil is coming.
The main function of government is to protect it’s citizens. I am of the
opinion that when our government can’t protect us it is the responsibility
of we the people to make our country safe.
At the top of our list will be to eliminate the violence caused by the
criminal faction of the recent migrants.Law enforcement nor the courts
are up to the task.We can’t just keep bitching about the state of our
country.We must take action.
We have the means.We just need the will,or nothing will ever be normal
Chuck – absolute sound and logical words. Thank you. Agree 100%. We are well past the point of no return and the Founders would be asking why WE are doing nothing. This is one of the reasons why I believe some form of civil war is inevitable. People will rise up and take matters in their own hands given the right motivation. As far as normalcy bias that explains a lot and you’re right people won’t acknowledge what is right in front of them.
Another issue are all of these people who have stated over ad over again the sky was falling – and then it didn’t. Yup – I’m guilty as 100% of my “predictions” have been wrong. People see us suggesting bad times are head and simply shake their head and say, “There they go again – predicting an apocalypse.”
I suspect these times are a bit different.
I agree Chuck but when the enemy actually is the government we can’t take action. I suspect that is just what they want, and excuse to round up the few America loving Patriots. just a thought.
Good point CaptTurbo. For those who want true change and get this country back to where it should be, well, that would require some serious organization and strategy. With all the powers of the US Government dedicated to stopping that it’s nearly impossible, thus, here we are…..
Totally agree. These days half the things in your house is listening to you while your cell phone tracks you.
Chuck, JR, CaptTurbo, all well said.
I think that the honest, hard working Americans in this country are aware of what is coming down. they are practicing OPSEC and doing the grey man thing, getting ready to protect and provide for their families, property and communities. but until the time comes they will sit back, VOTE and prepare as best they can. i believe that there are far more of us than most people think.
stack it deep and good luck all.
I hope you are right about that Scout.
I’ve heard that in the not to distant past the DOD did surveys and Q&As
with troops to see if they would take up arms against their countrymen.
Supposedly the finding was that most of the military would not intervene
in a revolt,revolution,or civil war.
The oath we took said we would protect the constitution from all enemies
foreign and domestic. I fully intend to keep my word.Many others will
as well.
The Nazis disarmed the citizens and then it was all over.The left wants to
take away our means of self defense.
To that I would say”Wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which
hand will fill up first.
Here in Montana our population is approximately one million.However
there many more guns than people.
Molon Labe.