Here is the seventeenth of a weekly installment discussing an episode of the popular TV series – Jericho – which aired originally back in 2006. Every Tuesday night we are watching an episode and then will discuss what happens the following day. It can be watched free on Netflix or purchased on VUDU. Jericho is also available on DVD.
Desperation is taking over Jericho as the town discovers the Marines were not real – and no help is coming. The town’s food supply and rations are not lasting. It is determined the refugees have got to go. That news is not taken well and violence ensues.
The desperation in the town is overdue – but inevitable. With the average household having approx a week’s worth of food and most stores only three days on the shelves any large emergency will have people hungry in short order. But not us, right? As common sense thinking individuals we prepare by putting back extra. It’s not insanity. It’s not hoarding. It is simply common sense and totally logical.
Lesson learned for this episode: Keep extra food on hand “just in case”.
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