I’ve Stocked Up On Ivermectin

In preparation for contracting COVID-19 I’ve been stocking up on courses of Ivermectin. Reasoning for multiple courses is in case someone close to me contracts the virus and is need.

I’ve had numerous people ask me how I obtained the medication. I used the following website:

How to Get Ivermectin

Although many may disagree I am not anti-vaccine. No – I am very much pro-choice when it comes to the vaccine. As I’ve stated numerous times before and I’ll throw it out once again there is a shitton of crap on both sides of the issue with truth and reality sitting right here in the middle. That’s where I’m at. Not interested in debating anyone as it’s a waste of time. Bottom line – I’ve stocked up on Ivermectin as I’m taking responsibility for my own health.

Here’s what I experienced using the website noted above:

First – I found a medical facility in South Carolina which I contacted. I answered a few questions on their website while setting up an account. We set up a Zoom call which lasted about 20 minutes. The cost – $99. The Nurse Practitioner asked whether I had recently tested positive or I wanted to take Ivermectin as a prophylactic(preventive). I told her I was not 100% sure, but, was originally wanted to get a regimen in case I tested positive.

After my Zoom call a prescription was called into a local compounding pharmacy that carried Ivermectin. Not all pharmacies carry Ivermectin. I called around, found one, and let her know. Cost: $4.00 per pill. Ridiculous? Yes, but, I was able to get what I wanted.

While the government may be slack in providing effective treatment recipes for whatever reason, I’ve done what I can to prepare for what I consider to be my eventual reality that I will contract COVID like millions of others.

I implore you to take responsibility for your own health and PREPARE.

Take care all.





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