From the Desk of John Rourke: May 28th, 2023

Things have been crazy busy as regular life takes up so much time – work, family, regular daily tasks such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. Add to that establishing a garden and getting the cabin and homestead the way we want it. Yup – it’s been busy.

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This past weekend we’ve been finishing up the garden. It’s been a ton of work preparing our selected garden area prepped and getting seeds and transplants in the ground. Time just didn’t allow us to start seeds indoors due to moving and unpacking. Cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce, beans, garlic, crookneck squash, zucchini, potatoes, and onions have been planted. An herb garden is planned but hasn’t been planted yet. Soon.

garden, gardening, homestead, Maine, prepper, preparedness, survival, survivalist, food storage, canning, shtf,

Garlic. Over the past couple years found a new appreciation for garlic on my cooking.

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Maine Prepper Girl has brought up that we need to stock up on some canning supplies. She recognizes the advantages and importance of home canning. While this first year my gardening expectations are fairly low as I learn a new climate, new soil, and a completely different growing season, we can supplement our produce production from local sources. MPG has never canned before so we will certainly learn together. I can’t wait!!!

canning, canning food, food storage, prepper, preparedness, survival, survivalist, economic collapse,

Some of my favorite canning projects include dill pickles, homemade salsa, and homemade spaghetti sauce. Oh – homemade spaghetti sauce!!!!!!! YUM!!! 🍝

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This probably goes without saying but I’m saying it anyways – the reported inflation numbers coming out fro. government is BS. A trip to the local grocery store and buying a pound of hamburg will tell you prioces are AT LEAST 50%. ore than just a few years ago. Want some A1 Steaksauce? Crazy prices. Add to this the shrinking packaging sizes while raising prices as the same time shows why so many Americans are struggling to make ends meet.

Given this….many foods remain fairly cheap and if you haven’t STOCK UP ON FOOD NOW! If you do not have buckets of rice packed away – what are you waiting on?

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Take care all.



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