From the Desk of John Rourke – February 19th, 2024

Hello all! Hope everyone’s week has started off well. Tonight it’s going to drop to around 6 degrees here in Maine. It’s been a very easy winter as far as snow goes. Currently, the forecast is calling for some snow on Friday and Saturday but a lot can happen between now and then.

We shall see.

wood stove, survival, winter, heating, prepare, prepper, get ready

I recently picked up a partial cord of wood from

I didn’t need the wood, but, like ammunition, if you have a wood stove you simply can’t have too much. I’m so glad I connected with “207” as he’s a great guy and provides a fantastic product. All the wood I got tested out at between 10-14% moisture and was extremely uniform in size. I’m going to reach out to pick up another load soon.

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Maine Prepper Girl and I enjoy going to antique shops and estate sales. At a recent estate sale, I came across an old Coleman lantern pictured above. It mounts atop a standard 1-pound propane canister and shines extremely bright. As part of our grid-down preps and combined with redundancy with battery-operated lanterns and candles it alone can light up the entire cabin.

I ended up ordering two more identical lanterns off eBay and picked up a bunch of the mantels for them. Over the coming summer, we will stock up on 1-pound propane cannisters for the following winter. Now – these are not only winter items. Light is needed all times of the year.

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Communication is a part of preparedness that is largely overlooked, but, at the same time over emphasized. Yeah, doesn’t make sense I know. The bottom line is I place a great emphasis on “local” communications. I’m talking short-range. From our property, I’d like to set up a communications system that can reach out close to a 5-mile diameter. This means from one side to another – 10 miles total. I own a GMRS repeater that has NOT been installed. I have a 2-meter base station and need to mount an antenna as high as possible to reach mobile units as far as possible.

Come Spring there is a lot of work to do. November 2024 is our target date to get so much accomplished – and to be as ready as possible for what may await us.
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My local Tractor Supply just got in a huge variety of plants, and seeds, and is getting set up for baby chicks. MPG and I are planning to get a chicken coop and caging in an area for them. We are looking at adding additional blueberry bushes and also planting several apple trees.

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Stay safe all and please…..keep preparing.


The Backyard Homestead(Digital Version)

Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre!
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With just a quarter acre of land, you can feed a family of four with fresh, organic food year-round.

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This comprehensive guide to self-sufficiency gives you all the information you need to grow and preserve a variety of vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts and grains; raise chickens for eggs and meat; raise cows, sheep and goats for meat or milk; raise pigs and rabbits; and keep honeybees.

Simple instructions make it easy to enjoy canned, frozen, dried and pickled produce all winter; use your own grains to make bread, pasta and beer; turn fresh milk into delicious homemade yogurt, butter and cheese; make your own wine, cordials and herbal teas; and much, much more. It truly is possible to eat entirely from your backyard.

Only $2.99 for the digital version. Fully printable and searchable.
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