Still working on my New Year Resolutions/2017 Goals and Objectives – take your pick on terminology. Considering not just the next year but the next 10 years. Can’t explain it but life is at a pivotal point. Maybe it is my age – not sure. Regardless putting more effort in this year than the last few.
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Reader DH mentioned he is considering taking a Max Velocity firearms training course next year. Approx 6 hours away it is not out of the question for me to attend as well. I a overdue for more training.
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Went and saw the new Star Wars movie – Rogue One. Pretty good. Not fantastic but pretty good.
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A major goal of 2017 is to increase my wife and I’s secondary sources of income. I am expanding on some eBay sales and she sells a variety of etched glass and custom t-shirt products. She is looking at custom embroidery as well.
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It’s not uncommon to see video’s on Facebook and Instagram of video’s where someone uses a gun in self defense. Almost every single one of these are from other countries. Here’s the deal – in almost all of these the person defending themselves pulls a gun – the person runs away and then the “victim” starts shooting. In most situations in the US the shooter would be charged.
When the threat is not longer present the gun owner cannot just shoot the person. Reading he comments everyone will be bragging about how they would do the same.
Using a gun in self defense is no joke.
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The EC voted overwhelmingly for Trump to be President. These snowflakes losing their minds over it and having emotional breakdowns need to go find some coloring books, play with some play dough, hug a teddy bear – and wear a safety pin. Holy crap!
We all at some point look back and most of us are shocked, amazed and even disappointed in what we have or have not done to some degree. We get a sense of the passage of time and the need to achieve more and faster. It’s a reasonable thing to do, though some men’s reactions are not. Do women go through that ? don’t know .. never been a girl. Its a good driver if we apply some discipline .. and maybe ONE MORE AR 🙂
Having recently experienced this .. a no shots fired is always better… as we have seen legal is political and political is all about anything anyone can use to discredit and BOOM.. you are wearing Orange or lose your right to carry for a legit defense of yourself or family. Take a look at Ayoob’s books and materials, as well as Jeff Cooper.
judged by 12 rather than carried by 6 is a popular thought.. I agree.. but THINK first .. a pennies worth of prevention is worth a ton of cure…..
Check ma’s equipment requirements… some of their expectations are a little unique.. They do look good though.