Interesting the attention that the “DNC email leak/hacking” situation is getting right now. Four years ago when Romney suggested that Russia was the biggest threat t the United States he was labeled ridiculous and “old school” by Obama and the mainstream media. Now those very same people are all over Russia for hacking the DNC – even though Julian Assange has stated Russia was not responsible.
To a certain degree it really doesn’t matter where Wikileaks received their information. It has been proven that the DNC is corrupt and election was completely rigged. Hillary was selected early on and it didn’t matter what Bernie Sanders did she was going to get the nomination. Beyond that evidence was massive that Hillary was chosen to be elected President by the “powers that be”. The uniqueness of Trumps message managed to pull him out the win – even though he managed to best Romney’s totals in 2012 by a couple million votes.
Here is some truth for you…..
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Huge Star Wars fan when I was a kid. A fanatic really. Going to See Rogue One Tuesday night.
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Went from the 20’s to about 70 degrees in my area within a little over 24 hours. Crazy. Frigid temps all over the country though. Check out a live temperature map HERE.
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Christmas shopping is way past done. Spent a ridiculous amount of money this year.
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Something for you…..
-19 here right now at 11:45 pm JR.
I used to wonder where Gutfeld was coming from. Lately he is spot on. The quote above to me is one of the most poignant of the day, in my opinion. The administration, BLM and many in the black community as well as the liberal whites, castigate the police and cause them to hesitate and second guess themselves. Meanwhile, Obama, who is nothing more than a UN puppet is pushing the UN agenda…”The controversial Obama administration demands for national standards for police come a few months after United Nations boss Ban Ki Moon called for American police to obey βinternational standards.β We need to do two things…a) show support for our local police thru a minimum of bumper stickers; b) oppose this move to a totalitarian state by tweeting Trump. He is the only one who will tell the UN to butt out and will roll back any EO Obama imposes on the country.
That’s my two cents worth today. I’m getting off my soap box and going to inventory my supplies. Gotta restock some items. Never have enough Spam Lite.
Yeah I don’t care where the emails came form .. whomever got them did not write them .. the DNC/HRC et al did.. In my opinion this is nothing more than a distraction designed to spend time and let the emails fade.. and remember there were 650,000 recovered beyond the 33,000 leaked.
Cyberwarfare is not new, practiced by all nations and smaller against enemies and allies alike, and is as valid as any other intelligence source. signals, human, electronic.. Technology has just added this to the battlefield. We need to be good at it just like conventional warfare.
I look at it this way. If you had a base, it would have entry points, and places it could be observed right ? So you guard/protect the entries and camouflage or hide the important things inside it. If I use an unsecured server it is akin to leaving a gate unguarded, and important things out in the open. It is unreasonable not to expect someone to come in a look around at least.
Don’t want them to steal stuff .. lock it up and protect it.
It does introduce again something again on the larger stage. We in the US have steadfastly refused to address getting our own citizens educated in the necessary skills to protect us digitally. So what do we do ? Well, we go hire citizens of other nations that DO have the skills. The inherent fault and weakness in that methodology shoudl be obvious to even the dim bulbs in congress.. Unfortunately the lights have long since gone out there.. There are a few, if the they will hold the light up and not let political pressure cover or extinguish them.
Our children and citizens (vetted legal citizens) are as smart as anyone. IMO we shoudl not spend money paying for useless un-marketable skills. Hard skills in college should be at a premium for both public and private sector. and BTW There shoudl be some assistance and support for the vocations as well. We need both and there is zero wrong with earning a living for a family providing services we all have to use.
done ranting .. and now thoroughly off topic.. sorry
The Russians are just the latest ‘reason’ for Hillary’s pratfall. First it was the basket of deplorables and the whitelash of a racist nation. Then it was Comey, then wikileaks followed by fake news. Intermittently you hear the obligatory “uneducated electorate voting against their own best interests” and “we struggled getting our message heard”. It’s all ego stroking and for their own benefit.
You’ll notice a pattern and the lack of any serious introspection… they’re not capable of it. It all comforts me far more than them. With no honest mirror time they will stay the course and their loses will be compounded in 2018 and beyond. And their attempts at discrediting the election and overturning it through useless recounts and the electors has betrayed how desperately dishonest they are.
Personally I’m giddy over what I see Trump doing, his cabinet picks have been for the most, spectacular. There are risks and things could go bad quickly. 1st order of business, make sure hell is the only place where ‘ALLAH AKBAR’ is yelled……
well it’s done deal now.. I especially the liked the meltdown video of the one chick when the EC votes were committed.. I suppose that’s mean of me..
I agree with you John .. on the last part of your response .. Not sure how he’ll do it ..
but picking all those Generals ought to help if he can get them confirmed.. The liberal passage of the anti-filibuster measure will help .. that’s 51 votes not 60 now … hmm ..
Recon we can Gag OB .. I pretty sure he will never go away ..
Buys us a little time on preps at least .. maybe
Like Hillary said “What does it matter at this point”. Who care how we got it, the American people have a right to know about the corruption!!!! Remember the Pentagon Papers that were leaked, and the left used the exact same argument.