From the Desk of John Rourke

The world continues to spiral into insanity. The latest revolves around the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. This will be short – politicians cannot win battles nor wars. The military has been handcuffed for decades. We have the most powerful fighting force in the world and if allowed to do their job to the maximum capability – the conflict in Afghanistan would have been over long ago and a somewhat democratic existence Afghans would be experiencing now. Very sad.

The Biden administration has shown their complete incompetence. Well…….

“You know the deal!”

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Approaching the SHTF We All Prepare For: I’ve recently had discussions with several people revolving around SHTF predictions. For the past few decades people – including me – have predicted numerous calamities. We’ve all been wrong. Far too often frustration over world events or situations generates an emotional response and dire predictions are made. Nowadays I truly try to look through the smoke, use facts and data – and use commonsense when considering the future. I’ll likely still bat .000.

Right now as I tabulate all the information and calculate these complex algorithms using a fresh box of Crayola crayons – it just doesn’t look good. What’s that term – “borrowed time”? That begs the questions – “How much time?” & “What is coming?”

What do you think? For me – just keep prepping and working towards goal completion every day. Many would consider the times we are living in at a minimum the beginning of the SHTF.

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Membership Area Update:   Numerous new uploads in movies, TV shows, books, etc have been uploaded as well as a couple of new articles. I’ve uploaded my first video in the membership area and more will be published soon. The “American Exit Strategy” section is has been brought up to date. For those who are not aware, this section documents our efforts towards debt reduction, becoming more self-reliant, and eventually moving out into the woods. We also discuss camper living as we live full time in a camper.

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Supply Chains: I continue to see empty shelves where certain supply categories are just wiped out. The reasoning behind these shortages is fairly complex and multifaceted. Labor shortages are a significant obstacle in manufacturing facilities across the country. Importation of raw materials and components is also an issue as countries have had and continue to have shutdowns. While overall the “shortages” are more like interruptions – any additional lockdowns could make things much worse.

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Over the coming weeks, I’ll be reporting some “Blasts From the Past” articles that many may have missed. There are a lot of people new to prepping and this website so bringing some older posts back makes sense. Appreciate all that share with friends, family, and like-minded folks.

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We are in late August with Fall just around the corner. Here in South Carolina, the heat has been intense and it certainly does not feel like Fall is fast approaching. As far back as I can remember between September and November was always a time to prepare for the coming Winter. Likely this is due to growing up as a kid in the frigid north.  Regardless – that feeling is beginning to stir within.

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Have a good week all.



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